


So for instance, I've got three .as files called 'Helicopter.as, Game.as, Blue.as'and I also have a .fla file called Helicopter.fla (These files are all suppose to link together, to make the helicopter game) . In the Game.as file, I have the following;

if (blue1.hitTestObject(Helicopter))

                    trace("YOU HIT THE BLOCK!");

                    Helicopter.x = 76;
                    Helicopter.y = 217;


I have drawn the so called 'Helicopter'^ using API in a different file called Helicopter.as using this code;

        graphics.drawCircle(0, 60, 35);


However, I originally had the "Helicopter' symbol drawn in the Helicopter.fla file (which I've now deleted), and now that I've drawn the 'Helicopter' using API, I get this error;

 ''1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type Class to an unrelated type flash.display:DisplayObject.''


Flash doesn't recognise the original Helicopter symbol (in the Helicopter.fla file, because I deleted it). But I want the system to detect the 'circle' drawn using API (In the Helicopter.as file). And I have no idea how to how to name the API drawn circle 'Helicopter', thus I'm getting an error. So how do I name the API circle to 'Helicopter', so the Game.as file recognises it. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, then don't worry, because I don't know too. Thank you. If you want, I can paste all the code I've done so far.


直升机是一个类不是一个变量,因此,你不能分配直升机。 X 。您需要创建一个变量 VAR直升机:直升机=新直升机(); 和使用 heli.x

Helicopter is a class not a variable, therefore you cannot assign Helicopter.x. You need to create a variable var heli:Helicopter = new Helicopter(); and use heli.x


it also could be that you're not following the programming standards, and Helicopter is in fact a variable and not a Class, though the error seems to indicate otherwise.


10-13 00:15