

我目前正在从事一个涉及Spring Security(用于OAuth2)的项目.

i am currently working on a project involving spring security (for OAuth2).


We are using the authorization_code flow.


However when the client hits the AuthorizationEndpoint (/oauth/authorize)we get an "InsufficientAuthenticationException".This may be due to an external system which is also involved in this flow which performs a redirect for the client, sending him to the /oauth/authorize endpoint.


From what I understand by looking through the debug logfile and from reading the source code, the principal is null which is used in the AuthorizationEndpoint.authorize method (specifically line 138, we are using spring-security-oauth2-2.0.7.RELEASE).


I understand what spring's problem is at this point (it does not "know" the user who is already authenticated with the system) but I do not understand which information specifically spring uses to identify the user (I guess this would be my central question)


I tried performing a GET against /oauth/authorize with the correct parameters and sending with the request the authorization header containing the bearer access token but spring always throws the InsufficientAuthenticationException. I'm hoping somebody can help me with this.



为便于说明,我将在这里回答我自己的问题. TJ 基本上为我指明了正确的方向.

I am going to answer my own question here for the sake of documentation.TJ basically pointed me in the right direction.


In my case, the InsufficientAuthenticationException stems from a slightly wrong setup of the whole stack. For delivering the content to users an apache is used which also serves as a reverse proxy, truncating the root context of the application deployed on the tomcat behind it.

可以在此处找到最终解决我问题的答案.问题实际上是,会话cookie包含无效路径(path属性仍包含rootcontext,因为尚未使tomcat意识到它前面的apache将rootcontext截断为"/".)通过tomcat的context.xml中的setSessionCookie ="/"在tomcat侧的路径可以解决问题.

The answer which finally solved my problem can be found here.The problem actually was, that the session cookie contained an invalid path (the path attribute still contained the rootcontext, because tomcat has not been made aware that the apache in front of it is truncating the rootcontext to just "/".) So setting the path on tomcat side via setSessionCookie="/" in tomcat's context.xml did the trick.

因此,当重定向命中spring的oauth/authorize端点时,它使用包含错误路径的会话cookie进行了此操作.因此,对于春季,该请求似乎源自未经身份验证的来源,因此使我为InsufficientAuthenticationException scratch之以鼻.

So, when a redirect hit spring's oauth/authorize endpoint it did so with a session cookie containing the wrong path. because of this, for spring the request seemed to originate from an unauthenticated source, thus leaving me scratching my head about the InsufficientAuthenticationException.


08-24 17:57