

我想使用这个插件科尔多瓦在 https://github.com/katzer/科尔多瓦 - 插件和本地通知

I want to use this cordova plugin at https://github.com/katzer/cordova-plugin-local-notifications


How to go about integrating this plugin with my existing IBM Worklight project? I have trying various methods to integrate it without any result.


I am getting this error currently from the logcat:

02-24 11:15:03.035: D/CordovaLog(2439): file:///data/data/com.iCareApp/files/www/default/index.html: Line 17 : Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'notification' of undefined


Or is there any other easier alternatives to get this done? Basically i want to be able to schedule local notification on the device at specific times from the data stored in my application



I got this to work by following the below.

演示项目: https://www.dropbox.com/s/58urdluauc8u3l1/AndroidLocalNotifications .ZIP

由于工作灯不支持科尔多瓦的Plugman轻松安装科尔多瓦V3插件,一些体力劳动才能得到这一切建立正确的...... blachs。

Because Worklight does not support Cordova's Plugman to easily "install" Cordova v3 plug-ins, some manual labor is required to get it all set-up properly... blachs.


Note the appName , it is used throughout the process for plug-in declarations. If you use a different name for in your app, you will need to update the values accordingly with yours.

  1. 注意 nativeResources 文件夹,在那里我已经放在我编辑的文件:

  1. Pay attention to the nativeResources folder, where I've placed the files I edited:

  • 在AndroidManifest.xml中:
    • 在这我添加了所需的权限,接收器,活动
    • AndroidManifest.xml:
      • In it I added the required permission, receivers, activities
      • 包含必需的.jar文件的插件
      • 包含插件的Java类
      • 在他们我已经编辑插件进口报关
      • 包含config.xml文件;看到底部的插件功能的声明

      • Contains config.xml; see at the bottom for the plug-in feature declaration

      • 插件的JavaScript实现在头部引用元素
        <脚本SRC =JS /本地notification.js>< / SCRIPT>


      function wlCommonInit(){
          window.plugin.notification.local.add({ message: 'this is a local notification' });


      The above will send a local notification immediately after the application's launch.
      In the plug-in's homepage you can read more about the possible notification options.


      In local-notification.js:

      • 添加顶部:

      • 添加底部:

      • Add at the top:
        cordova.define("LocalNotification", function(require, exports, module) {

      • Add at the bottom:

      在生成的Andr​​oid项目\资产\ WWW \默认\ JS \工作灯\ cordova_plugins.js,地址:

      In the generated Android project\assets\www\default\js\worklight\cordova_plugins.js, add:

          "file": "../js/local-notification.js",
          "id": "LocalNotification",
          "clobbers": [


      Note that re-building the Worklight project will overwrite this file, and thus your changes in it will be gone... you'll need to repeat this step after every build.


      There is no good way that I could find to preserve changes to this file between Worklight Studio builds.


08-24 17:35