本文介绍了在IBM Worklight for Wndows Phone 8中使用jquery mobile的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我使用jquery mobile 1.1.0开发了一个应用程序。它适用于Android和iOS环境。但是当我尝试在Windows Phone 8中部署相同的应用程序时,我并不是同样幸运...用户界面未显示... Windows Phone 8和jquery mobile之间是否存在任何不兼容性?

I have developed an application using jquery mobile 1.1.0. It works in Android and iOS environments. But I was not the same lucky when I tried to deploy the same application in Windows phone 8...The user interface is not shown...Is there any kind of incompatibility between windows phone 8 and jquery mobile?


查看IBM Worklight提供的多页面应用程序示例项目:

Have a look at the sample project for multi-pages application as provided by IBM Worklight: http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/mobile-solutions/worklight/docs/v610/BuildingMultiPageApplicationProject.zip

该项目包含对Windows Phone 8的特殊处理,因为它以不同于其他环境(如Android和iOS)的方式处理文件位置。

The project contains special handling for Windows Phone 8, as it treats file location differently than other environments (such as Android and iOS).

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08-24 17:34