本文介绍了IBM Worklight 6.1 - 在Worklight Development Server Console中启用WL.Logger.debug的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


有没有办法启用WL.Logger.debug日志显示在eclipse中的Worklight Development Server Console视图中?

Is there any way to enable WL.Logger.debug log to be displayed in Worklight Development Server Console view in eclipse?

我正在使用Worklight 6.1。 p>

I am using Worklight 6.1.





WebSphere Liberty配置文件不支持Worklight开发服务器控制台视图中的调试级别日志记录。

WebSphere Liberty profile does not support debug level logging in the Worklight Development Server Console view.

您可以使用 WL.Logger.debug 并编辑 server.xml 以查看 trace.log 文件

You can use WL.Logger.debug and edit server.xml to view the log in the trace.log file

  1. 在Eclipse中打开服务器视图

  2. 扩展Worklight开发服务器条目

  3. 双击服务器配置(server.xml)

  4. 切换到源标签

  5. 取消注释此行:< logging traceSpecification =com.worklight。* = debug =启用/>

  6. 调用适配器程序后,您将在< eclipseWorkspace> \WorklightServerConfig\servers \worklight\logs\trace.log

  1. Open the Servers view in Eclipse
  2. Expend the Worklight Development Server entry
  3. Double-click on Server Configuration (server.xml)
  4. Switch to Source tab
  5. Uncomment this line: <logging traceSpecification="com.worklight.*=debug=enabled"/>
  6. After invoking your adapter procedure you will find the log at <eclipseWorkspace>\WorklightServerConfig\servers\worklight\logs\trace.log


Be sure to re-deploy the adapter before attempting to view the logs.


您可以使用 WL.Logger.warn WL.Logger.error ;这些日志显示在Worklight Development Server Console视图中。

You can use WL.Logger.warn or WL.Logger.error; these logs will display in the Worklight Development Server Console view.

这篇关于IBM Worklight 6.1 - 在Worklight Development Server Console中启用WL.Logger.debug的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-24 17:33