我有我在OpenGL-ES 2.0已经创建了一个2D地图。现在我要画一个比例尺。
I have a 2D map that I have created in OpenGL-ES 2.0. Now I want to draw a scalebar.
As this will not be moved when the user pans the map, I need it to be drawn in screen coordinates somehow.
I could use some advice on how to accomplish something like this.
To do this, all you need to know is the dimensions of your viewport. Know that the viewport transformation is a very simple scale and bias operation, it effectively works like this:
NDC Screen
--- ------
-1.0 -> x \_ X (Passed using glViewport (...))
1.0 -> x + width /
-1.0 -> y \_ Y (Passed using glViewport (...))
1.0 -> y + height /
-1.0 -> near \_ Z (Passed using glDepthRange (...))
1.0 -> far /
In other words, for X and Y, Normalized Device Coordinates (NDC) are scaled to fit within width and height many units, and the bottom-left-most point is defined by (x,y). For Z, which you probably do not care about, NDC is scaled from your defined near value to the defined far value.
What you want to do is reverse the viewport mapping operation; start with screenspace coordinates and work back into NDC.
NDC =(2.0 *(屏幕 - 视)/视 ) - 1.0;
NDC = (2.0 * (Screen - Viewport) / Viewport) - 1.0;
NDC 是 =(2.0 *(屏幕 - 视)/视 ) - 1.0;
NDC = (2.0 * (Screen - Viewport) / Viewport) - 1.0;
这应该为您提供所有必要的步骤来产生NDC (X,Y)从屏幕(X,Y)坐标。一旦你有了NDC坐标,你可以直接通过他们使用的模型,视图和投影矩阵身份着色器。
This should provide you with all the necessary steps to produce NDC coordinates from Screen. Once you have NDC coordinates, you can pass them directly to your shaders using identity matrices for Model, View and Projection.