


I'm trying to build an app with phonegap desktop and the developer app. Everything seems to be working apart from the preferences I've set in the config.xml file. I've set:

<preference name="Fullscreen" value="true" />
<preference name="orientation" value="landscape"/>


However the app always build with the status bar at the top of the screen and the orientation acting as if there has been no preference set.

我尝试过OnePlus 3T和Samsung A3,它们都存在相同的问题.我认为这是因为没有读取config.xml ins吗?

I've tried on a OnePlus 3T and a Samsung A3, both having the same issues. I assume this is because config.xml ins't being read?

我尝试在Phonegap桌面中使用Hello World模板,该模板已启用方向和全屏首选项,但仍然无法正常工作.我还尝试过将文件移到www/目录中.

I've tried using the Hello World template in Phonegap desktop that has orientation and fullscreen preferences enabled and it still doesn't work. I have also tried moving the file inside the www/ directory.



The issue was that using Phonegap desktop/app doesn't utilise the config.xml file in any way. Using Phonegap build does however, so I'm now using that instead.


08-24 17:11