

如何将geom_smooth(method = lm)函数与gganimate()的transition_layers结合使用,以便随着各个条形的向上偏移/增长,出现geom_smooth的线性线,如下所示:



  library(dplyr); library(tidyr)

count(year,wt = c,name = c)%&%;%#每年的总计总计
uncount(7,.id = year_disp)%&%;%#制作7份,每年一本
mutate(year_disp = year_disp + min(df $ year)-1)%&%;%
过滤器(year< = year_disp)%&%;%#仅将年份保持为 year_disp
ggplot(aes(year ,c))+
geom_col(aes(group = year))+# group在这里每年将自身与框架
之间连接起来geom_smooth(method = lm,se = F)+
enter_drift(y_mod = -max(df $ c)),
fps = 10,持续时间= 10,
宽度= 600,高度= 500,渲染器= gifski_renderer())

How do I combine geom_smooth(method = "lm) function with gganimate()'s transition_layers, so that, as the individual bars drift/grow upwards, the linear line of geom_smooth appears, like so: Example of desired appearance of geom_smooth line The only difference is that in my case, instead of the points, the bars would drift upwards as the line appears.

The bars current work well, appearing by drifting upwards, made possible by using the transition_layers function of gganimate.

However, I can't figure out how to add the geom_smooth line, so it appears as the bars grow upwards. Right now, the line appears just at the end, as seen below.

See below for the current look of the animation.

Here is a simple reprex of my problem:

#Df for reprex

year <- as.numeric(c(1996:2002,
c <- c(39, 40, 67, 80, 30, 140, 90, 23, 100, 123,
       140, 1, 2, 1, 13, 3, 3, 30, 1, 3, 3)
df <- data.frame(year, c) %>%
  select(year, c) %>%

#Static plot
(static_plot <- ggplot(data = df) +
    geom_bar(data = df %>% filter(year == 1996), stat="identity", position ="stack",
             aes(x = year, y = c)) +
    geom_bar(data = df %>% filter(year == 1997), stat="identity", position ="stack",
             aes(x = year, y = c)) +
    geom_bar(data = df %>% filter(year == 1998), stat="identity", position ="stack",
             aes(x = year, y = c)) +
    geom_bar(data = df %>% filter(year == 1999), stat="identity", position ="stack",
             aes(x = year, y = c)) +
    geom_bar(data = df %>% filter(year == 2000), stat="identity", position ="stack",
             aes(x = year, y = c)) +
    geom_bar(data = df %>% filter(year == 2001), stat="identity", position ="stack",
             aes(x = year, y = c)) +
    geom_bar(data = df %>% filter(year == 2002), stat="identity", position ="stack",
             aes(x = year, y = c)) +
  labs(y = "year",
       x = "c",
       title = "Reprex") +
  geom_smooth(df, mapping = aes(x = year, y = c), method = "lm",
              colour = "black", se = F)

anim <- static_plot +
  transition_layers(layer_length = 1, transition_length = 1) +
  enter_drift(x_mod = 0, y_mod = -max(df$c))

animate(anim, fps = 10, duration = 10,
        width = 600, height = 500, renderer = gifski_renderer())

Here's an approach where the data is replicated and then filtered so each version shows progressively more years.

library(dplyr); library(tidyr)

  df %>%
    count(year, wt = c, name = "c") %>%   # Aggregate for each year's total
    uncount(7, .id = "year_disp") %>%     # Make 7 copies, one for each year
    arrange(year_disp, year) %>%
    mutate(year_disp = year_disp + min(df$year) - 1) %>%
    filter(year <= year_disp) %>%         # Only keep years up to "year_disp"
    ggplot(aes(year, c)) +
    geom_col(aes(group = year)) +   # "group" here connects each year to itself between frames
    geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = F) +
    transition_states(year_disp) +
    enter_drift(y_mod = -max(df$c)),
  fps = 10, duration = 10,
  width = 600, height = 500, renderer = gifski_renderer())


08-24 16:32