




Let's imagine we have such a component in Spring:

public class MyComponent {

    private String text;


If we define the property placeholder:

<context:property-placeholder location=""/>

并且myPropos.properties包含 someProperty 的值,该值将在初始化上下文时注入到 text 字段中.那非常简单容易.

And contains the value for someProperty the value will be injected to the text field when the context is initialized. That's quite simple and easy.

但是,假设我有一项服务,使用户可以更改 someProperty 的值:

But let's say that I have a service that enables user to change the value of the someProperty:

public void changeProp(String name, String newValue);


Is there a chance I can re-inject the newValue to text field. I mean it should be quite straight forward.. Basically it's nothing different than the after-initialization injection. I can not imagine that Spring does not have support for this? Can I fire some event or something?


I could do this on my own basically, but I wander is it maybe something there already? If not does anyone know what Spring class is in fact handling the injections at the first place? I could probably reuse the code there do perform this on my own if a solution does not exists.



I expect spring does not have a support for this, because the normal injection is done while creating the bean, but not will it is put in service.

无论如何:在此博客条目可重新加载的应用程序属性"中使用Spring 3.1,Java 7和Google Guava" ,您可以找到解决方案的主意.

Anyway: in this blog entry "Reloadable Application Properties with Spring 3.1, Java 7 and Google Guava", you can find the idea for an solution.


The key idea is to use a post processor to build a list of all fields with property fields. And if the properties are changed on can use this list to update the fields.


08-24 16:20