


First off, I'm no pro.


In my quest to become a better developer I am trying to understand what is needed and how to accomplish creating a sign-up/login for an Ionic-Framework app.


Most of the single-page-applications (SPAs) handle authentication on a node server that is also serving up the HTML for the client. In my case the phone itself will be serving up the HTML so I am guessing I may be going up against some CORs issues.


I understand that the Ionic-Framework uses states and based angular-client-side-auth repo I should be authenticating whenever I am changing states in my app.


I have an initial app setup but now I am kind of confused where to go from here.


  • 的Node.js服务器-Thanks DigitalOcean(我应该使用这个作为一个代理我的数据库?)

  • CouchDB的服务器(这里全栈我们来)


  1. 什么是混合使用应用程序时进行身份验证的标准方法?

  2. 我应该如何使用Node.js作为代理到数据库?

  3. 我应该跳过的Node.js并直接与CouchDB的服务器进行身份验证? (我听说过此事)

  4. 我要对所有这一切错误的方式?

  5. 什么是我潜在的路障?

  6. 如何CORS与混合应用工作的?

  7. 什么我失踪?


Thanks for helping me become a better developer.



Okay theres alot to answer. But the short answer is tojust keep things simple and authenticate like you would a regular web app.


  • 在一个普通的web应用程序,你会发送到服务器的请求,并检查证书与数据库对用户进行认证


  • 在一个移动应用程序,你会做通过Ajax请求相同的(在角度的情况下使用$ HTTP)。

  • 验证完成后在服务器上发送一个响应返回给指示前端的认证结果的应用程序(如JSON / XML)。


  • 我不知道有关标准,但是这似乎是最简单的方法。标准随时更改,因为总有更好的方式来做到这一点。因此,只要能够完成任务去了,改善它更高版本。


  • 我没有用太多的的NodeJS,所以我不知道你真正的意思。但是,如果它有助于了解 - 我使用PHP的接收Ajax请求的服务器上,处理与mysql数据库中的身份验证和返回到移动应用程序的响应。


  • 我还没有看到你的初始设置。至于验证,只要你的应用程序改变状态的话,你可以使用localStorage的存储成功登录后,用户信息。在注销清除localStorage的。因此,所有你需要做的是检查是否在localStorage的存在​​,以确认用户是否​​登录的值。


  • 我建议你开始做你的应用程序,你就会知道很快。对整个离子+科尔多瓦使事情变得非常简单,除去大部分路障进行应用开发。


  • 科尔多瓦允许默认跨域请求,所以你不会有跨域请求任何问题,这样的话你可以直接访问您的服务器进行认证。


  • 只是一个前端的HTML5框架。它本身并不能使你成为一个移动app.It只会给你很好的用户界面的工作。 IonicFramework为您提供了一些不错的它实现了采用了棱角分明。因此,为了获得最大的离子型的,你应该精通angularJs。学习的角度是非常值得的努力,以便去了。

  • IonicFramework is just a front end HTML5 framework. It alone cannot make you a mobile app.It will just give you nice UI to work with. IonicFramework provides you with some nice javascript features which it implements using angular. Thus, to get the most out of ionic you should be proficient with angularJs. Learning angular is well worth the effort so go for it.

实际的应用程序是由科尔多瓦编译。科尔多瓦采用常规的HTML / CSS / JavaScript文件和它们打包
到了Android APK或iPhone IPA,使它们可以安装在

The actual app is compiled by Cordova. Cordova takes your regular html/css/javascript files and packages theminto the android apk or iphone ipa so that they can be installed onthe respective os as native apps.


Cordova is what will allow you to access native phone features like the camera,gallery,contactsetc.


Token Based Authentication : i believe is an alternative. It is a cleaner and more secure way of handling authentication that is now easily available.


For more information check out the following links:

  • (用于前端采用了棱角分明的应用程序)

  • 智威汤逊(由jwt.io的创造者)

  • (智威汤逊的官方网站)

  • (有关后端使用Laravel那些)

  • Angular jwt (for apps using angular on the front-end)
  • Video Talk :Making your apps secure using JWT (by the creators of jwt.io)
  • Jwt.io (official website of jwt)
  • Jwt-Auth for Laravel ( For those using Laravel on the back end)


跨域/ CORS:饼干+ CORS不要在不同的领域发挥出色。基于令牌的方法可以让你做AJAX调用到任何服务器,在任何领域,因为你使用的HTTP标头传输的用户信息。

Cross-domain / CORS: cookies + CORS don't play well across different domains. A token-based approach allows you to make AJAX calls to any server, on any domain because you use an HTTP header to transmit the user information.Stateless (a.k.a. Server side scalability): there is no need to keep a session store, the token is a self-contanined entity that conveys all the user information. The rest of the state lives in cookies or local storage on the client side.


CDN: you can serve all the assets of your app from a CDN (e.g. javascript, HTML, images, etc.), and your server side is just the API.Decoupling: you are not tied to a particular authentication scheme. The token might be generated anywhere, hence your API can be called from anywhere with a single way of authenticating those calls.

移动准备:当你开始工作的一个原生平台(iOS,Android版的Windows 8等)消费安全的API时,cookie是不理想的(你要处理的cookie容器) 。采用基于令牌的方法简化了这个有很多。

Mobile ready: when you start working on a native platform (iOS, Android, Windows 8, etc.) cookies are not ideal when consuming a secure API (you have to deal with cookie containers). Adopting a token-based approach simplifies this a lot.CSRF: since you are not relying on cookies, you don't need to protect against cross site requests (e.g. it would not be possible to your site, generate a POST request and re-use the existing authentication cookie because there will be none).


Performance: we are not presenting any hard perf benchmarks here, but a network roundtrip (e.g. finding a session on database) is likely to take more time than calculating an HMACSHA256 to validate a token and parsing its contents.


Login page is not an special case: If you are using Protractor to write your functional tests, you don't need to handle any special case for login.Standard-based: your API could accepts a standard JSON Web Token (JWT). This is a standard and there are multiple backend libraries (.NET, Ruby, Java, Python, PHP) and companies backing their infrastructure (e.g. Firebase, Google, Microsoft). As an example, Firebase allows their customers to use any authentication mechanism, as long as you generate a JWT with certain pre-defined properties, and signed with the shared secret to call their API.


08-24 16:05