




I need your help. I am quite new to databases.


I'm trying to get set up a table in DynamoDB to store info about TV shows. It seems pretty simple and straightforward but I am not sure if what I am doing is correct.


So far I have this structure. I am trying to fit everything about the TV shows into one table. Seasons and episodes are contained within a list of maps within a list of maps.


Is this too much layering?Would this present a problem in the future where some items are huge?Should I separate some of these lists of maps to another table?




Ideally, you should not put a potentially unbounded list in a single row in DynamoDB because you could end up running into the item size limit of 400kb. Also, if you were to read or write one episode of one show, you consume capacity as if you are reading or writing all the episodes in a show.


Take a look at the adjacency list pattern. It’s a good choice because it will allow you to easily find the seasons in a show and the episodes in a season. You can also take a look at this slide deck. Part of the way through, it talks about hierarchical data, which is exactly what you’re dealing with.


If you can provide more information about your query patterns, I can give you more guidance on how to model your data in the table.



Based on your comments, it sounds like you should use composite keys to establish hierarchical 1-N relationships.

通过使用 DataType:ItemId 的复合排序键(其中ItemId是根据数据类型的不同格式),您将具有很大的灵活性.这种方法将使您轻松获得节目中的季数,获得所有所有季的剧集,获取特定季中的所有剧集,甚至获得第1季,第5季和第2季之间的所有剧集第5集.

By using a composite sort key of DataType:ItemId where ItemId is a different format depending on the data type, you have a lot of flexibility.This approach will allow you to easily get the seasons in the show, get all episodes in all seasons, get all episodes in a particular season, or even get all episodes between season 1, episode 5 and season 2 episode 5.

hash_key  | sort_key        | data
SHOW_1234 | SHOW:SHOW_1234  | {name:"Some TV Show", ...
SHOW_1234 | SEASON:SE_01    | {descr:"In this season, the main character...
SHOW_1234 | EPISODE:S01_E01 | {...
SHOW_1234 | EPISODE:S01_E02 | {...


Here are the various key condition expressions for the queries I mentioned:

  • hash_key ="SHOW_1234"和sort_key starts_with("SEASON:") –获取所有季节
  • hash_key ="SHOW_1234"和sort_key starts_with("EPISODE:") –获取所有季节的所有情节
  • hash_key ="SHOW_1234"和sort_key starts_with("EPISODE:S02 _") –获取第2季的所有剧集
  • hash_key ="SHOW_1234"以及介于"EPISODE:S01_E5"和"EPISODE:S02_E5"之间的sort_key –获取第1季第5集和第2季第5集之间的所有情节
  • hash_key = "SHOW_1234" and sort_key begins_with("SEASON:") – gets all seasons
  • hash_key = "SHOW_1234" and sort_key begins_with("EPISODE:") – gets all episodes in all season
  • hash_key = "SHOW_1234" and sort_key begins_with("EPISODE:S02_") – gets all episodes in season 2
  • hash_key = "SHOW_1234" and sort_key between "EPISODE:S01_E5" and "EPISODE:S02_E5" – gets all episodes between season 1, episode 5 and season 2 episode 5


08-24 14:52