


I insert my data into mysql db with this code:

<cfprocessingdirective pageEncoding="utf-8">
<cfset setEncoding("URL", "utf-8")>
<cfset setEncoding("Form", "utf-8")>
<cfcontent type="text/html; charset=utf-8">

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

<cfparam name="postTextBox" default="" type="String">

    <form action="index.cfm" method="POST" name="form">
        <input name="postTextBox" type="text"/>
        <input name="" type="submit" value="Submit" />

<cfquery name="myQuery" datasource="hello">
    insert into ad (name)
    values(N<cfqueryparam value=#postTextBox# cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">)


问题是当我插入存储在数据库中的阿拉伯语或波斯语字符时,例如"?????"但是英文字符没有问题.我使用ColdFusion 10和mysql.

The problem is when I insert arabic or persian characters that's store in database something like "?????" but there is no problem with english characters.I use ColdFusion 10 and mysql.





Check the charset of your column or table. Make sure it supports unicode characters. For example, UTF-8:

CREATE TABLE ( name varchar(500) CHARSET UTF8, ....)

此外,不要使用 N'literal' 语法,您也可以使用新的cfsqltype cf_sql_nvarchar.经过这些更改,它应该可以正常工作.

Also, instead of using N'literal' syntax, you may as well use the new cfsqltype cf_sql_nvarchar. With those changes, it should work fine.

    INSERT INTO ad ( name )
       <!--- always scope variables --->
       <cfqueryparam value="#FORM.postTextBox#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_nvarchar">


Side note - Nothing to do with your question, but cfprocessingdirective has no effect here. It is used when you need to embed, or hard code, Unicode characters within a CF script. Since you are not doing that, you do not need it.


08-24 14:32