本文介绍了需要Paypal IPN脚本的一些帮助的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! Hello CodeProject, 我有一些Paypal IPN脚本的脚本,但它根本不起作用,但我确信这个脚本对我很有用。 这里是这个脚本 这是显示所有内容的主文件 Index.php: - < script 类型 = text / javascript > $( window )。on(' load', function (){ var _defaultContent = $(' #paypal-load')。 html(); $ .ajax({ async : true , cache: false , data: new Object(),成功: function (内容){ var _response = $(' < center />')。 HTML(内容); $(' #paypal-load')。html(_response.hide()) ; $(' #paypal-load')。find(' center')。fadeIn(); }, url:' <?php echo BaseURLConcat(' Paypal /PaypalObject.php' )?>' }); $(' input [type =image] [name =submit]')。live(' 点击',功能(e){ var src = $( this )。attr(' src'); var account = $(' input [name =os1] [type =text]') ; if (account.val()。toString()。length === 0 ){ $(' #response')。html(' < span class =inline-help> 帐号不能是。空< /跨度>'); account.focus(); } 其他 { var status = 假; $ .post(' <?php echo BaseURLConcat(' check-account.php ' )?>',{ ' isAjax':' true', ' account':account.val()} , function (data){ var resp = data; if (resp == ' false'){ $(' #response')。html(' < span class =inline-help> Account ' + account.val()+ ' 不存在,请插入您的有效帐户。< / span>'); account.val( new String ()); } else { $(' #response')。html( new String ()); $(' #paypal-load center form')。submit(); } }); } e.preventDefault(); }); }); < / script > PAYPAL_OBJECT.PHP(这是链接的文件index.php): - <?php require_once ' ../ Functions / Database.php'; $ sendPayData = array( METHOD => BMCreateButton, VERSION => 65.2, USER => ; frozentalisman_api1.gmail.com, PWD => B2PBUNCKASY8GSQZ, SIGNATURE => AbPDCHpF-e45tePhvejMCawkga.bAXLdJIfnQ qAbBxpaOu5FbKjXuY90, BUTTONCODE => ENCRYPTED, BUTTONTYPE => BUYNOW, BUTTONSUBTYPE => SERVICES, BUTTONCOUNTRY => RO, BUTTONIMAGE => reg, BUYNOWTEXT => BUYNOW, L_BUTTONVAR1 => item_name =冷冻护身符D-Points, L_BUTTONVAR2 => currency_code = USD, L_BUTTONVAR3 => no_shipping = 2, L_BUTTONVAR4 => no_note = 1, L_BUTTONVAR5 => notify_url = http://frozentalisman.com/Paypal/DonateListener.php, ); $ db = GetDatabaseConnection(' db_misc'); $ points = $ db-> query(' SELECT * FROM`t_point_sale`ORDER BY`points`') - > fetchAll(PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC); $ sendPayData [ OPTION0NAME] = D-Points; foreach ( $ points as $ i => $ point ){ $ sendPayData [sprintf(' L_OPTION0SELECT%d', $ i )] = sprintf(' %d D-Points', $ point [' points' ]); $ sendPayData [sprintf(' L_OPTION0PRICE% d', $ i )] = $ point [' price']; } $ sendPayData [ L_TEXTBOX0] = 帐户; $ curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt( $ curl ,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,true); curl_setopt( $ curl ,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,false); curl_setopt( $ curl ,CURLOPT_URL,' https://api-3t.paypal.com/nvp?' .http_build_query( $ sendPayData )); $ nvpPayReturn = curl_exec( $ curl ); curl_close( $ curl ); $ output = array(); parse_str( $ nvpPayReturn , $ output ); if (isset( $ output [ WEBSITECODE])){ $ html = $ output [ WEBSITECODE]; echo $ html ; } DONATELISTENER.PHP: - <?php require_once ' DonateIPNHandler.php'; require_once ' InstantPaymentNotification.php'; $ ipn = new InstantPaymentNotification(true); $ ipn-> setIPNHandler( new DonateIPNHandler()); $ ipn-> listen(); DonateIPNHandler.php: - <?php require_once ' IPNHandler.php'; require_once ' ../ Functions / Database.php'; require_once ' PaypalPayment.php'; / * * * Manipulador de exemplodeNotificaçãodePagamento *Instantâneo * / class DonateIPNHandler实现IPNHandler { private $ db , $ query ; / * * * @param boolean $ isVerified * @param array $消息 * @see IPNHandler :: handle() * / 公共函数句柄( $ isVerified ,数组 $ message ){ if ( $ isVerified ){ if ( $ message [' receiver_email'] == ' frozentalisman@gmail.com'){ // file_put_contents('test.text ',print_r($ message,true),FIL E_APPEND); $ data =数组( ' first_name' => $ message [' first_name'], ' last_name' => $ message [' last_name'], ' address_country' => $ message [' address_country'], ' address_city' => $ message [' address_city'], ' 数量' => (int) $ message [' quantity'], ' payment_status' => $ message [' payment_status'], ' item_name' => $ message [' item_name'], ' mc_currency' => $ message [' mc_currency'], ' gross' => $ message [' payment_gross'], ' acct' =>数组( ' account' => $ message [' option_selection2'], ' dpoints' => preg_replace(' / [^ \d] /', null , $ message [' option_selection1'])), ' check' => $ message [' option_selection1'], ' email' => $ message [' payer_email'], ' ID' => $ message [' ipn_track_id'] ); $ paypalPayment = new PaypalPayment(GetDatabaseConnection( ' db_misc')); $ _ validate = $ paypalPayment-> isValid( $ data ); if ( $ _ validate [ isValid] === true){ $ paypalPayment-> storePayment( $ data ) - > dispatch(); } } } } } InstantPaymentNotification.php: - <?php class InstantPaymentNotification { private $ endpoint = ' https://www.paypal.com'; 公共函数__construct( $ sandbox = false){ if ( $ sandbox === false){ $ this-> endpoint = ' https://www.sandbox.paypal.com'; } $ this-> endpoint。= ' / cgi-bin / webscr?cmd = _notify-validate'; } public function listen(){ if ($ this-> ipnHandler!== null ){ if ($ _SERVER [' REQUEST_METHOD'] == ' POST'){ if (filter_input(INPUT_POST,' receiver_email',FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)){ $ curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt( $ curl ,CURLOPT_URL,$ this-> endpoint); curl_setopt( $ curl ,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,false); curl_setopt( $ curl ,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 ); curl_setopt( $ curl ,CURLOPT_POST, 1 ); curl_setopt( $ curl ,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,http_build_query( $ _ POST )); $ response = curl_exec( $ curl ); $ error = curl_error( $ curl ); $ errno = curl_errno( $ curl ); curl_close( $ curl ); if (空( $ error )&&& $ errno == 0 ){ $ this-> ipnHandler-> handle( $ response == ' 已验证', $ _ POST ); } } } } 其他 { throw new BadMethodCallException(' Nenhum manipulador de mensagem ou email foi definido'); } } 公共函数setIPNHandler(IPNHandler $ ipnHandler ){ $ this-> ipnHandler = $ ipnHandler ; } } DonateIPNHandler.php: - <?php require_once ' IPNHandler.php'; require_once ' ../ Functions / Database.php'; require_once ' PaypalPayment.php'; class DonateIPNHandler实现IPNHandler { private $ db , $ query ; 公共函数句柄( $ isVerified ,array $ message ){ if ( $ isVerified ){ if ( $ message [' receiver_email' ] == ' frozentalisman@gmail.com'){ // file_put_contents('test.text',print_r($ message,true),FILE_APPEND); $ data = array( ' first_name' => $ message [' first_name'], ' last_name' => $ message [' last_name'], ' address_country' => $ message [' address_country'], ' address_city' => $ message [' address_city'], ' 数量' => (int) $ message [' quantity'], ' payment_status' => $ message [' payment_status'], ' item_name' => $ message [' item_name'], ' mc_currency' => $ message [' mc_currency'], ' gross' => $ message [' payment_gross'], ' acct' =>数组( ' account' => $ message [' option_selection2'], ' dpoints' => preg_replace(' / [^ \d] /', null , $ message [' option_selection1'])), ' check' => $ message [' option_selection1'], ' email' => $ message [' payer_email'], ' ID' => $ message [' ipn_track_id'] ); $ paypalPayment = new PaypalPayment(GetDatabaseConnection( ' db_misc')); $ _ validate = $ paypalPayment-> isValid( $ data ); if ( $ _ validate [ isValid] === true){ $ paypalPayment-> storePayment( $ data )->dispatch ( ) ; } } } } } IPNHandler.php :- <?php interface IPNHandler { public function handle ( $isVerified , array $message ) ; } This is all script which contains Paypal things :) Here is explanation how this all works. :- User Purchase Points with Paypal and he will get automatically Points. so its just one kind of IPN Buttons, but i am not sure if it is just that. i can attach files if need please help me to make it work. hope its not too long :) and thanks in advance for help.. 解决方案 (window).on('load', function(){ var _defaultContent =('#paypal-load').html();.ajax({ async : true , cache : false , data : new Object ( ) , success : function ( content ) { var _response =Hello CodeProject,I have some scripts for Paypal IPN scripts, but it's not working at all, but i am sure this script is useful for me.Here is this scriptsThis is main file which display all contentIndex.php :-<script type="text/javascript"> $(window).on('load', function(){ var _defaultContent = $('#paypal-load').html(); $.ajax({ async : true , cache : false , data : new Object ( ) , success : function ( content ) { var _response = $('<center />').html(content); $('#paypal-load').html(_response.hide()); $('#paypal-load').find('center').fadeIn(); } , url : '<?php echo BaseURLConcat ( 'Paypal/PaypalObject.php' ) ?>' }); $('input[type="image"][name="submit"]').live('click',function(e){ var src = $(this).attr('src'); var account = $('input[name="os1"][type="text"]'); if(account.val().toString().length === 0){ $('#response').html('<span class="inline-help">The account number cannot be empty.</span>'); account.focus(); }else{ var status = false; $.post('<?php echo BaseURLConcat('check-account.php') ?>',{ 'isAjax' : 'true' , 'account' : account.val() },function(data){ var resp = data ; if(resp == 'false'){ $('#response').html('<span class="inline-help">Account '+account.val()+' does not exists, please insert your valid account.</span>'); account.val(new String()); } else { $('#response').html(new String()); $('#paypal-load center form').submit(); } }) ; } e.preventDefault(); }); });</script>PAYPAL_OBJECT.PHP (This is the file which linked on index.php) :-<?php require_once '../Functions/Database.php' ; $sendPayData = array ( "METHOD" => "BMCreateButton" , "VERSION" => "65.2" , "USER" => "frozentalisman_api1.gmail.com" , "PWD" => "B2PBUNCKASY8GSQZ" , "SIGNATURE" => "AbPDCHpF-e45tePhvejMCawkga.bAXLdJIfnQqAbBxpaOu5FbKjXuY90" , "BUTTONCODE" => "ENCRYPTED" , "BUTTONTYPE" => "BUYNOW" , "BUTTONSUBTYPE" => "SERVICES" , "BUTTONCOUNTRY" => "RO" , "BUTTONIMAGE" => "reg" , "BUYNOWTEXT" => "BUYNOW" , "L_BUTTONVAR1" => "item_name=Frozen Talisman D-Points" , "L_BUTTONVAR2" => "currency_code=USD" , "L_BUTTONVAR3" => "no_shipping=2" , "L_BUTTONVAR4" => "no_note=1" , "L_BUTTONVAR5" => "notify_url=http://frozentalisman.com/Paypal/DonateListener.php" , ) ; $db = GetDatabaseConnection ( 'db_misc' ) ; $points = $db->query ( 'SELECT * FROM `t_point_sale` ORDER BY `points`' )->fetchAll ( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ) ; $sendPayData [ "OPTION0NAME" ] = "D-Points" ; foreach ( $points as $i => $point ) { $sendPayData [ sprintf ( 'L_OPTION0SELECT%d' , $i ) ] = sprintf ( '%d D-Points' , $point [ 'points' ] ) ; $sendPayData [ sprintf ( 'L_OPTION0PRICE%d' , $i ) ] = $point [ 'price' ] ; } $sendPayData [ "L_TEXTBOX0" ] = "Account" ; $curl = curl_init ( ) ; curl_setopt ( $curl , CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , true ) ; curl_setopt ( $curl , CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER , false ) ; curl_setopt ( $curl , CURLOPT_URL , 'https://api-3t.paypal.com/nvp?' . http_build_query ( $sendPayData ) ) ; $nvpPayReturn = curl_exec ( $curl ) ; curl_close ( $curl ) ; $output = array ( ) ; parse_str ( $nvpPayReturn , $output ) ; if ( isset ( $output [ "WEBSITECODE" ] ) ) { $html = $output [ "WEBSITECODE" ] ; echo $html ; }DONATELISTENER.PHP :-<?php require_once 'DonateIPNHandler.php' ; require_once 'InstantPaymentNotification.php' ; $ipn = new InstantPaymentNotification ( true ) ; $ipn->setIPNHandler ( new DonateIPNHandler ( ) ) ; $ipn->listen ( ) ;DonateIPNHandler.php :-<?php require_once 'IPNHandler.php' ; require_once '../Functions/Database.php' ; require_once 'PaypalPayment.php' ; /** * Manipulador de exemplo de Notificação de Pagamento * Instantâneo */ class DonateIPNHandler implements IPNHandler { private $db , $query ; /** * @param boolean $isVerified * @param array $message * @see IPNHandler::handle() */ public function handle ( $isVerified , array $message ) { if ( $isVerified ) { if ( $message [ 'receiver_email' ] == 'frozentalisman@gmail.com' ) { //file_put_contents('test.text', print_r($message, true), FILE_APPEND); $data = array ( 'first_name' => $message [ 'first_name' ] , 'last_name' => $message [ 'last_name' ] , 'address_country' => $message [ 'address_country' ] , 'address_city' => $message [ 'address_city' ] , 'quantity' => ( int ) $message [ 'quantity' ] , 'payment_status' => $message [ 'payment_status' ] , 'item_name' => $message [ 'item_name' ] , 'mc_currency' => $message [ 'mc_currency' ] , 'gross' => $message [ 'payment_gross' ] , 'acct' => array ( 'account' => $message [ 'option_selection2' ] , 'dpoints' => preg_replace ( '/[^\d]/' , null , $message [ 'option_selection1' ] ) ) , 'check' => $message [ 'option_selection1' ] , 'email' => $message [ 'payer_email' ] , 'ID' => $message [ 'ipn_track_id' ] ) ; $paypalPayment = new PaypalPayment ( GetDatabaseConnection ( 'db_misc' ) ) ; $_validate = $paypalPayment->isValid ( $data ) ; if ( $_validate [ "isValid" ] === true ) { $paypalPayment->storePayment ( $data )->dispatch ( ) ; } } } } }InstantPaymentNotification.php :-<?php class InstantPaymentNotification { private $endpoint = 'https://www.paypal.com' ; public function __construct ( $sandbox = false ) { if ( $sandbox === false ) { $this->endpoint = 'https://www.sandbox.paypal.com' ; } $this->endpoint .= '/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_notify-validate' ; } public function listen () { if ( $this->ipnHandler !== null ) { if ( $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_METHOD' ] == 'POST' ) { if ( filter_input ( INPUT_POST , 'receiver_email' , FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL ) ) { $curl = curl_init ( ) ; curl_setopt ( $curl , CURLOPT_URL , $this->endpoint ) ; curl_setopt ( $curl , CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER , false ) ; curl_setopt ( $curl , CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , 1 ) ; curl_setopt ( $curl , CURLOPT_POST , 1 ) ; curl_setopt ( $curl , CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS , http_build_query ( $_POST ) ) ; $response = curl_exec ( $curl ) ; $error = curl_error ( $curl ) ; $errno = curl_errno ( $curl ) ; curl_close ( $curl ) ; if ( empty ( $error ) && $errno == 0 ) { $this->ipnHandler->handle ( $response == 'VERIFIED' , $_POST ) ; } } } } else { throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'Nenhum manipulador de mensagem ou email foi definido' ) ; } } public function setIPNHandler ( IPNHandler $ipnHandler ) { $this->ipnHandler = $ipnHandler ; } }DonateIPNHandler.php :-<?php require_once 'IPNHandler.php' ; require_once '../Functions/Database.php' ; require_once 'PaypalPayment.php' ; class DonateIPNHandler implements IPNHandler { private $db , $query ; public function handle ( $isVerified , array $message ) { if ( $isVerified ) { if ( $message [ 'receiver_email' ] == 'frozentalisman@gmail.com' ) { //file_put_contents('test.text', print_r($message, true), FILE_APPEND); $data = array ( 'first_name' => $message [ 'first_name' ] , 'last_name' => $message [ 'last_name' ] , 'address_country' => $message [ 'address_country' ] , 'address_city' => $message [ 'address_city' ] , 'quantity' => ( int ) $message [ 'quantity' ] , 'payment_status' => $message [ 'payment_status' ] , 'item_name' => $message [ 'item_name' ] , 'mc_currency' => $message [ 'mc_currency' ] , 'gross' => $message [ 'payment_gross' ] , 'acct' => array ( 'account' => $message [ 'option_selection2' ] , 'dpoints' => preg_replace ( '/[^\d]/' , null , $message [ 'option_selection1' ] ) ) , 'check' => $message [ 'option_selection1' ] , 'email' => $message [ 'payer_email' ] , 'ID' => $message [ 'ipn_track_id' ] ) ; $paypalPayment = new PaypalPayment ( GetDatabaseConnection ( 'db_misc' ) ) ; $_validate = $paypalPayment->isValid ( $data ) ; if ( $_validate [ "isValid" ] === true ) { $paypalPayment->storePayment ( $data )->dispatch ( ) ; } } } } }IPNHandler.php :-<?php interface IPNHandler { public function handle ( $isVerified , array $message ) ; }This is all script which contains Paypal things :)Here is explanation how this all works. :-User Purchase Points with Paypal and he will get automatically Points. so its just one kind of IPN Buttons, but i am not sure if it is just that.i can attach files if need please help me to make it work.hope its not too long :)and thanks in advance for help.. 解决方案 (window).on('load', function(){ var _defaultContent =('#paypal-load').html();.ajax({ async : true , cache : false , data : new Object ( ) , success : function ( content ) { var _response = 这篇关于需要Paypal IPN脚本的一些帮助的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!