


While i am trying to run spring program in eclipse i get following error.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems:
    BeanFactory cannot be resolved to a type
    XmlBeanFactory cannot be resolved to a type
    FileSystemResource cannot be resolved to a type
    triangle cannot be resolved

    at Org.koushik.javabrains.DrawingApp.main(DrawingApp.java:8)


I tried to resolve this error. I also download spring.jar file and put it in the classpath.But, still i am getting error.I also want whole spring.jar which should includeall spring.jar file.



要使用诸如 Maven 之类的工具来管理依赖项, Gradle 蚂蚁+常春藤.这些将使您的生活变得更加轻松,将管理依赖项,并且您还将获得所有传递性依赖项(您使用的框架所依赖的依赖项).这将节省您在互联网上进行大量搜索的时间.

To manage your dependencies use tools like Maven, Gradle or Ant + Ivy. Those will make your life a whole lot easier, the dependencies will be managed and you will get also all transitive dependencies (the dependencies the framework you use depends on). This will save you a lot of searching around the internet.


With either of these tools you create a build file (ant and maven use XML, Gralde uses Groovy for that) and express your dependencies.

例如,用于gradle的此构建文件 build.gradle 将创建一个jar并使用所有依赖项.

For example this build file for gradle, build.gradle will create a jar and use all the dependencies.

apply plugin: 'java'

repositories {

dependencies {
    compile group: 'org.springframework', name: 'spring-context', version: '3.2.5.RELEASE'
    compile group: 'org.springframework', name: 'spring-context-support', version: '3.2.5.RELEASE'
    testCompile group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.+'

gradle.build 将添加所需的spring jar和其所需的依赖项.

This gradle.build will add the needed spring jars and the dependencies it needs for that.


08-24 13:55