本文介绍了网站付款专业版 (Paypal) Iframe的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我使用的是 Magento CE 1.6.2 并尝试使用网站支付专业版系统.

I’m using Magento CE 1.6.2 and am attempting to use Website Payments Pro system.

我完成结帐流程,选择 Paypal PRO 链接作为我的付款方式,收到消息下订单后,您将需要输入您的付款详细信息",进入我查看订单的页面其上的下订单"按钮.

I go through the checkout process, select Paypal PRO link as my payment method, get the message "You will be required to enter your payment details after you place an order", get to the page where I review the order that has the "Place Order" button on it.

当我点击Place Order"时,我的期望是获得 iframe 形式的 paypal 按钮,但什么也没有出现.页面永远不会改变.

When I click "Place Order" my expectation is to get the paypal button in a iframe form but nothing appear. The page never changes.

如果我在后端检查,订单在 Magento 中显示为待付款".

If I check in the back end the order appears in Magento as "Pending Payment".

我应该提一下,我正在使用一个测试 PayPal 帐户执行此操作,并且我打电话给 PayPal,他们认为我的所有设置都是正确的,尽管我不确定我的设置是否正确.

I should mention that I am doing this with a test PayPal account and that I called PayPal and they believe that all my settings are correct although I am unsure if I have the settings right.

有没有想过为什么我在点击下订单"后没有被定向到一个页面来输入我的付款信息?网站支付专业版和 Magento 1.6.2 是否存在错误?

Any thoughts on why I’m not being directed to a page to enter my payment info after clicking "Place Order"? Is there a bug with the Website Payments Pro and Magento 1.6.2?


我已启用 DEBUG 模式,并且我已在 payment_hosted_pro.log 中阅读了 PAYPAL API 的正确响应.

I have enabled the DEBUG mode and I have read in the payment_hosted_pro.log a correct response of the PAYPAL API.

2012-04-05T23:10:41+00:00 DEBUG (7): Array
    [url] => https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp
    [BMCreateButton] => Array
            [METHOD] => BMCreateButton
            [BUTTONCODE] => TOKEN
            [BUTTONTYPE] => PAYMENT
            [L_BUTTONVAR0] => subtotal=14.88
            [L_BUTTONVAR1] => tax=0.00
            [L_BUTTONVAR2] => shipping=5.00
            [L_BUTTONVAR3] => invoice=100000050
            [L_BUTTONVAR4] => address_override=false
            [L_BUTTONVAR5] => currency_code=EUR
            [L_BUTTONVAR6] => buyer_email=jdoe@gmail.com
            [L_BUTTONVAR7] => billing_first_name=John
            [L_BUTTONVAR8] => billing_last_name=Doe
            [L_BUTTONVAR9] => billing_city=New York
            [L_BUTTONVAR10] => billing_state=New York
            [L_BUTTONVAR11] => billing_zip=0000
            [L_BUTTONVAR12] => billing_country=US
            [L_BUTTONVAR13] => billing_address1=no street
            [L_BUTTONVAR14] => billing_address2=
            [L_BUTTONVAR15] => first_name=John
            [L_BUTTONVAR16] => last_name=Doe
            [L_BUTTONVAR17] => city=New York
            [L_BUTTONVAR18] => state=New York
            [L_BUTTONVAR19] => zip=0000
            [L_BUTTONVAR20] => country=US
            [L_BUTTONVAR21] => address1=no street
            [L_BUTTONVAR22] => address2=
            [L_BUTTONVAR23] => paymentaction=authorization
            [L_BUTTONVAR24] => notify_url=http://www.magento.it/paypal/ipn/
            [L_BUTTONVAR25] => cancel_return=http://www.magento.it/paypal/hostedpro/cancel/
            [L_BUTTONVAR26] => return=http://www.magento.it/paypal/hostedpro/return/
            [L_BUTTONVAR27] => lc=IT
            [L_BUTTONVAR28] => template=templateD
            [L_BUTTONVAR29] => showBillingAddress=false
            [L_BUTTONVAR30] => showShippingAddress=false
            [L_BUTTONVAR31] => showBillingEmail=false
            [L_BUTTONVAR32] => showBillingPhone=false
            [L_BUTTONVAR33] => showCustomerName=false
            [L_BUTTONVAR34] => showCardInfo=true
            [L_BUTTONVAR35] => showHostedThankyouPage=false
            [VERSION] => 72.0
            [USER] => ****
            [PWD] => ****
            [SIGNATURE] => ****
            [BUTTONSOURCE] => Varien_Cart_WPP_IT

    [response] => Array
            [WEBSITECODE] => <form action="https://securepayments.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
<input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="HSS-IC0YjKMf1wXUUGEyDIpUTWddXlgnXvVl">
<input type="image" src="https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_paynow_LG.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - Il sistema di pagamento online più facile e sicuro!">
<img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/it_IT/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1">

            [EMAILLINK] => https://securepayments.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=HSS-IC0YjKMf1wXUUGEyDIpUTWddXlgnXvVl
            [TIMESTAMP] => 2012-04-05T23:10:41Z
            [CORRELATIONID] => bb7df94045217
            [ACK] => Success
            [VERSION] => 72.0
            [BUILD] => 2764190

    [__pid] => 5980


Why I cannot see the Website Payments Pro form in the onepage checkout?

  • Magento 1.6
  • 全新安装
  • 未安装自定义模板





I have solved the tricly problem enabling the Debug mode in always in a fresh install, checked the right permissions of the files and folders and testing it to buying a test product in my catalog.

看看我在 system.log 中得到的/var/log 文件夹这个消息:

Take a look the /var/log folder I get in the system.log this message:

2012-04-06T06:39:06+00:00 CRIT (2):无效模板文件:frontend/base/default/template/paypal/hostedpro/iframe.phtml我已经检查了目录 frontend/base/default/template/paypal/并且没有任何hostedpro目录!!这在全新安装的 Magento 中真的很奇怪!

2012-04-06T06:39:06+00:00 CRIT (2): Not valid template file:frontend/base/default/template/paypal/hostedpro/iframe.phtmlI have checked the directory frontend/base/default/template/paypal/ and there is not any hostedpro directory!! This is really odd in a fresh install of Magento!

我已经创建了目录并只上传了 frontend/base/default/template/paypal/hss/iframe.phtml 文件,现在它也可以正常工作了!

I have created the directory and uploaded just the frontend/base/default/template/paypal/hss/iframe.phtml file and now it works as well!

这是一个真正的 Magento 错误!!

This is a real Magento Bug!!

这篇关于网站付款专业版 (Paypal) Iframe的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-24 13:49