我正在尝试了解 Paypal 的 Express Checkout 和网站付款标准之间的 API 差异.我知道面向用户的差异(Express Checkout 强制您拥有 Paypal 帐户,而网站支付标准也处理信用卡),但我不知道您如何以编程方式与它们交互,特别是从 Rails 应用程序.Active Merchant 表示它支持 Express Checkout,但没有提到网站支付标准.对于定期付款,我找到了this gem,但它只提到了 Express Checkout.它如何使用网站支付标准(如果有的话)?
I'm trying to understand the API differences between Paypal's Express Checkout and Website Payment Standard. I know the user-facing differences (Express Checkout forces you to have a Paypal account, while Website Payment Standard also processes credit cards), but I don't know the differences between how you can interface with them programmatically, specifically from a Rails app. Active Merchant says that it supports Express Checkout but doesn't mention Website Payment Standard. For recurring payments, I found this gem, but it only mentions Express Checkout. How does it function (if at all) with Website Payment Standard?
我意识到 Paypal 有多个 API,虽然 Active Merchant 通过 Paypal 的 SOAP 端点进行通信,但您也可以通过他们基于 URL 的 API 进行通信.我只是感到困惑,因为文档太多了,很难理解什么是什么.
I realize Paypal has multiple APIs, and that while Active Merchant communicates via Paypal's SOAP endpoints, you can also communicate via their URL-based API. I'm just getting confused because there is such an overload of documentation that it's difficult to understand what works with what.
编辑 - 澄清一下,我的意思是接受信用卡并不是强迫用户拥有一个 Paypal 帐户 - 将 Paypal 功能仅作为信用卡网关(例如 AuthNet).我知道信用卡可以绑定到您的 Paypal 帐户,这不是我要说的.
EDIT - To clarify, what I mean by accepting credit cards is not forcing the user to have a Paypal account - having Paypal function solely as a credit card gateway (like AuthNet, for example). I know that credit cards can be tied to your Paypal account, and this is not what I am talking about.
Rather than edit my previously edited answer, I'm going to try again.
Express Checkout 位于您现有的付款解决方案旁边,作为使用 Paypal 付款"选项.它有一个更完整的 API,只需要你的客户离开你的网站输入他们的付款信息.这里
Express Checkout was made to sit next to your existing payment solution as a "Pay with Paypal" option. It has a more full API, and only requires your customers to leave your site to enter their payment information. There is a more detailed writeup here
澄清一下,是的,Paypal 的 Express Checkout 和网站付款标准都允许您接受来自访客帐户"(没有 Paypal 帐户的客户)的付款.
For clarification, YES, both Paypal's Express Checkout and Website Payment Standard allow you to accept payments from "Guest Accounts" (Customers without paypal accounts.)
我同意文档有时令人困惑.既然您提到了 Rails,这里是如何在 Express Checkout with Active Merchant 中启用Guest Accounts"的方法.
I agree that the documentation is sometimes confusing. Since you mention Rails, here is how to enable "Guest Accounts" in Express Checkout with Active Merchant.
我认为快速结账仅适用于企业帐户(不适用于个人帐户).如果您有企业帐户,您会在您的 PayPal 个人资料中找到一个设置 - 个人资料>我的销售工具>在线销售>网站首选项
向下滚动到 PayPal 帐户可选
I believe express checkout is only available for business acccounts (not personal). If you have a business account, you will find a setting in your paypal profile - Profile>My selling tools>Selling Online>Website preferences
Scroll down to PayPal Account Optional
and select the On
radio button.
显然这个选项可以在Profile>Website Payment Preferences>Paypal Account Optional下找到
然后使用 Active Merchant,使用 allow_guest_checkout
调用 paypal(此代码基于 快速结账时的railscast剧集)
Then using Active Merchant, call paypal with the allow_guest_checkout
(This code is based on the railscast on express checkout episode)
response = EXPRESS_GATEWAY.setup_purchase(current_cart.build_order.price_in_cents,
:ip => request.remote_ip,
:return_url => new_order_url,
:cancel_return_url => products_url,
:allow_guest_checkout => true
这篇关于Paypal Express Checkout 和网站支付标准之间的 API 差异的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!