本文介绍了BGCOLOR仅适用于Opera,不适用于其他浏览器(有效页面)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 我有一个小的,经过验证的页面使用了bgcolor。在 < body ...和几个< td ...'s 这些颜色在Opera中显示正常但在MSIE或Firefox中没有显示。 http://frontal-lobe.info/link2pdf.html 去年我已经离开了html而且正在重新学习它。 有什么想法吗?谢谢, Mason CI have a small, validated page that uses "bgcolor" in<body... and several <td... ''sThe colors show ok in Opera but not in MSIE or Firefox. http://frontal-lobe.info/link2pdf.htmlI''ve been away from html for the last year and am re-learning it.Any ideas? Thanks,Mason C推荐答案 您指的是哪些差异? Opera和IE 7都显示了 背景颜色。有一点不同:在Opera上,有一个白色的 条纹,由空单元格产生,而IE 7忽略它。如果这是 是问题,你只需要决定:删除单元格或将 非空白内容(例如& nbsp;)放入其中(如果你希望它出现在 有些奇怪的原因。)Which difference(s) you are referring to? Both Opera and IE 7 show thebackground colors. There''s a difference: on Opera, there is a whitestripe, resulting from an empty cell, whereas IE 7 ignores it. If thisis the problem, you just need to decide: remove the cell or putnon-blank content, such as &nbsp;, into it (if you want it to appear forsome odd reason). 然后重新开始。阅读一本关于HTML基础知识的好教程,永远不要重新学习该语言丑陋的表达方面;相反,从一个好的教程中学习基本的CSS。 为什么页面不适合我的浏览器窗口(它几乎是一半 我的屏幕!),尽管不包含任何相关信息,但链接 到PDF文件?你在尝试太多了。但是如果你想用背景颜色创建盒子,请使用标题或者< divelements(适当的 )和CSS中的背景属性。在HTML中使用bgcolor 不是十大罪恶之一,但是在你应该学习HTML的前100项内容中都没有,并且CSS对应物很多更多 灵活而强大。 - Jukka K. Korpela(Yucca) http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/Then start afresh. Read a good tutorial on basics of HTML, and neverre-learn the ugly presentational side of the language; instead, learnbasic CSS from a good tutorial.How come a page doesn''t fit into my browser window (it''s almost half ofmy screen!), despite not containing any relevant information but a linkto a PDF file? You''re trying too much. But if you want to create boxeswith background colors, use just heading or <divelements (asappropriate) and background properties in CSS. Using bgcolor in HTMLisn''t among the top ten sins, but neither is among the top 100 thingsyou should learn about HTML, and the CSS counterparts are much moreflexible and powerful.--Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca") http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/ 您指的是哪些差异? Opera和IE 7都显示了背景颜色。有一点不同:在Opera上,有一个白色的条纹,由一个空单元格产生,而IE 7则忽略它。如果这是问题所在,您只需要决定:删除单元格或将非空白内容(例如& nbsp;)放入其中(如果您希望它出现在一些奇怪的原因。 Which difference(s) you are referring to? Both Opera and IE 7 show thebackground colors. There''s a difference: on Opera, there is a whitestripe, resulting from an empty cell, whereas IE 7 ignores it. If thisis the problem, you just need to decide: remove the cell or putnon-blank content, such as &nbsp;, into it (if you want it to appear forsome odd reason). 然后重新开始。阅读关于HTML基础知识的好教程,永远不要重新学习该语言丑陋的表现方面;相反,从一个好的教程中学习基本的CSS。 为什么一个页面不适合我的浏览器窗口(它几乎是我的屏幕的一半! ),尽管不包含任何相关信息,但链接到PDF文件?你在尝试太多了。但是如果你想创建带有背景颜色的方框,请在CSS中使用标题或< divelements(适当的)和背景属性。在HTML中使用bgcolor 不是十大罪恶之一,但是你不应该学习HTML的前100项内容,而CSS同行更灵活,更强大。 Then start afresh. Read a good tutorial on basics of HTML, and neverre-learn the ugly presentational side of the language; instead, learnbasic CSS from a good tutorial.How come a page doesn''t fit into my browser window (it''s almost half ofmy screen!), despite not containing any relevant information but a linkto a PDF file? You''re trying too much. But if you want to create boxeswith background colors, use just heading or <divelements (asappropriate) and background properties in CSS. Using bgcolor in HTMLisn''t among the top ten sins, but neither is among the top 100 thingsyou should learn about HTML, and the CSS counterparts are much moreflexible and powerful. Jukka,感谢您的评论。我使用CSS但是对于那个小页面 我很匆忙并且使用了bgcolor。我验证了该页面。颜色 不会在MSIE或Firefox中显示。为什么? 链接页面在那里,因为我担心日志引擎 和搜索机器人可能无法登录pdf页面 - 这是'我还需要另外一件事来了解b $ b。 (我正在经历网络生活的变化,因为被踢了所以被强行取消 离开Earthlink以获得超额流量..) 但同时我是意外的颜色失败让人感到困惑。 Mason CJukka, I appreciate your comments. I use CSS but for that little pageI was in a hurry and used bgcolor. I validated the page. The colordoesn''t show in MSIE or Firefox. Why?The link page is there because I am concerned that the logging enginesand search robots may not log a pdf page -- that''s another thing I need tolearn about. ( I''m going through web life change forced by being kickedoff Earthlink for excess traffic..)But in the meantime I''m puzzled by the unexpected color failure.Mason C - -- - 您是否真的阅读了我的留言的那一部分,或者您只是在没有阅读任何内容的情况下引用了所有内容?Did you actually read even that part of my message, or did you justquote everything without reading anything? 哪种颜色? - Jukka K. Korpela(" Yucca" ) http://www.cs.tut.fi/~ jkorpela /Which color?--Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca") http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/ 这篇关于BGCOLOR仅适用于Opera,不适用于其他浏览器(有效页面)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-24 13:38