

本文介绍了为什么.NET WCF服务所需要的接口的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


不像ASMX实施WCF需要为你实现它的界面。我不太明白,设计背后的原因。接口为2类之间的合同......有了这样说,你经常有satisfry到相同的接口,但正在实施不同的2 WCF服务?

Unlike the asmx implementation the wcf requires for you to implement it's interface. I do not quite understand the reason behind that design. Interface is a contract between 2 classes...With that being said, how often do you have 2 wcf services that satisfry to the same interface but being implemented differently?


Another comment, the msdn strongly recommends to do this:

   MyService service = new MyService();

   try {


   catch(Exception) {}
   finally {


So let's say if I am to inject my service with using it's interface like this:

   public MyComponent : IDisposable

       readonly IMyService service = null;

       public MyComponent(IMyService service) {

           this.service = service;


       public DoWork()
           //some additional code.


       public void Dispose()
           //The Interface does not have the Close method,
           //So doing this defeats the whole purpose of polymorphysm
           (this.service as MyService).Close(); //Silly.


How do you take the advantage of the interface with WCF?



No, WCF does NOT require you to have an interface and implement it.

这只是普遍的最佳实践这样做 - 但你不知道的必须后,如果您不希望

It's just generally accepted best practice to do so - but you don't have to, if you don't want to.

如果你愿意,你可以把你的 [的ServiceContract] 上有许多 [OperationContract的] 服务方法 - 没有什么这样做阻止你。

If you want to, you can put your [ServiceContract] on a concrete class that has a number of [OperationContract] service methods - there's nothing stopping you from doing so.


But again: it's generally accepted and preached best practice to use an interface to separate out the actual contract as an interface (so you can e.g. mock it for testing etc.).

这篇关于为什么.NET WCF服务所需要的接口的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-24 13:10