

我使用 authorize.net 作为我的支付网关,接受信用卡付款.我总是收到错误消息:

I am using the authorize.net as my payment gateway which accept payment from credit card. I am always getting the error message:



I am using test account, how can I tackle this problem?


您是否尝试过相关Authorize.net 支持文章?


1) 您正在尝试处理您的帐户无法处理的交易类型.例如,使用刷卡机处理电子商务或邮购/电话订购 (MOTO) 帐户上的交易.

1) You are attempting to process a type of transaction that your account is not designed to process. An example would be using a card swipe machine to process transactions on an e-commerce or mail order/telephone order (MOTO) account.

2) 您向字段 x_market_type 传递了不正确的值.如果您使用的是零售帐户,您希望传递值2".可以在 http://www.authorize.net/support/上找到 Card Present 交易的实施指南CP_guide.pdf.

2) You are passing an incorrect value to the field x_market_type. If you are using a Retail account you want to pass a value of "2". The Implementation Guide for Card Present transactions can be found at http://www.authorize.net/support/CP_guide.pdf.

3) 您的商家服务提供商可能为此帐户设置不正确.

3) Your Merchant Service Provider may be incorrectly setup for this account.

4) 此帐户的产品类型(SIC 代码)不正确.

4) The product type (SIC code) is incorrect for this account.


08-24 12:53