

声称,EMCAScript 6解构已在Node.JS中部分实现。我已经尝试了各种例子(使用v0.10.12和 - 和谐标志),如

This recent video claims that EMCAScript 6 destructuring is already partially implemented in Node.JS. I have tried various examples (using v0.10.12 and the --harmony flag), such as

var [a, b] = [1, 2];

var {a: a, b: b} = {a: 1, b: 2};

无效。 似乎表明V8尚不支持解构。

to no avail. This ticket seems to suggest that destructuring is not yet supported in V8.


Is destructuring really partially implemented in Node.JS? What are snippets of code I can play with?



Update for node v6 and newer: Node v6 supports destructuring assignment without anything special needed:

var [a, b] = [1, 2];


For older versions of node: You can get the list of supported harmony features by typing:

node --v8-options | grep harmony


--es_staging (enable all completed harmony features)
--harmony (enable all completed harmony features)
--harmony_shipping (enable all shipped harmony fetaures)
--harmony_modules (enable "harmony modules" (in progress))
--harmony_regexps (enable "harmony regular expression extensions" (in progress))
--harmony_proxies (enable "harmony proxies" (in progress))
--harmony_sloppy_function (enable "harmony sloppy function block scoping" (in progress))
--harmony_sloppy_let (enable "harmony let in sloppy mode" (in progress))
--harmony_unicode_regexps (enable "harmony unicode regexps" (in progress))
--harmony_reflect (enable "harmony Reflect API" (in progress))
--harmony_destructuring (enable "harmony destructuring" (in progress))
--harmony_default_parameters (enable "harmony default parameters" (in progress))
--harmony_sharedarraybuffer (enable "harmony sharedarraybuffer" (in progress))
--harmony_atomics (enable "harmony atomics" (in progress))
--harmony_simd (enable "harmony simd" (in progress))
--harmony_array_includes (enable "harmony Array.prototype.includes")
--harmony_tostring (enable "harmony toString")
--harmony_concat_spreadable (enable "harmony isConcatSpreadable")
--harmony_rest_parameters (enable "harmony rest parameters")
--harmony_sloppy (enable "harmony features in sloppy mode")
--harmony_arrow_functions (enable "harmony arrow functions")
--harmony_new_target (enable "harmony new.target")
--harmony_object_observe (enable "harmony Object.observe")
--harmony_spreadcalls (enable "harmony spread-calls")
--harmony_spread_arrays (enable "harmony spread in array literals")
--harmony_object (enable "harmony Object methods")

您需要的标志,节点4.1中添加了 - harmony_destructuring 。目前,您需要通过 - harmony_destructuring 标志来启用该功能:

The flag you need, --harmony_destructuring, was added in Node 4.1. Currently, you'll need to pass the --harmony_destructuring flag to enable the feature:

$ node --harmony_destructuring
> var {foo} = {foo: 'bar'};
> foo


08-24 12:41