I've seen a question or two on Stack overflow regarding this error but I'm still unable to solve it, so I thought I would pose my own question.
I'm using Spring and Spring's JMSTemplate to do some messaging and queue work. I'm trying to read from a queue. I'm not 100% positive if my logic is correct in my code, but anytime I try to run my app I am greeted with this exception (I've included only the last section):
Caused by: com.ibm.msg.client.commonservices.CSIException: JMSCS0002
at com.ibm.msg.client.commonservices.workqueue.PIWorkQueueManager.enqueueItem(PIWorkQueueManager.java:67)
at com.ibm.msg.client.commonservices.workqueue.WorkQueueManager.enqueue(WorkQueueManager.java:225)
at com.ibm.msg.client.commonservices.workqueue.WorkQueueManager.enqueue(WorkQueueManager.java:194)
at com.ibm.msg.client.wmq.common.internal.WMQThreadPool.enqueue(WMQThreadPool.java:91)
现在我很确定这与我的代码无关,因为无论我多少改变逻辑,如果我尝试调用任何一个 JMSTemplate
Now I'm fairly certain this has nothing to do with my code because no matter how much I change my logic, if I try calling any of the methods made available by JMSTemplate
, I receive this exception. After doing some research (based on the other stack overflow answers) I assume it has something to do with the way my classpath is setup. Here is a link to those questions:
In addition to this, here's some info I found on IBM's site:
要为JMS应用程序编译和运行WebSphere MQ类,请使用平台的
CLASSPATH = MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH\java\lib\com.ibm.mqjms.jar;
CLASSPATH=MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH\java\lib\com.ibm.mqjms.jar; MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH\tools\jms;
I have tried this however and It still seems to be failing me. Here's what I have added in my .bat file for my application that I run:
c:\ javaa \ jre6 \ bin \\ \\ _javaw -cpC:\\\ ussco \wmsflgint \mqs \mqjms-; C:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\; \\ ussco \wmsflgint \mqs \headers-1.4.2.jar; C:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ -Xmx256M ....
c:\java\jre6\bin\javaw -cp "C:\ussco\wmsflgint\mqs\mqjms-; C:\ussco\wmsflgint\mqs\mq-; C:\ussco\wmsflgint\mqs\headers-1.4.2.jar; C:\ussco\wmsflgint\mqs\jmqi-;" -Xmx256M ....
(there's more on the end but I don't feel it's relevant)
Am I not adding this correctly?
这里的问题是你一直在复制并重命名IBM MQ jar文件,因此,在运行时没有Java类路径上的完整集。这可能会导致各种问题和意外异常,例如您遇到的异常。
The problem here is that you have been copying and renaming IBM MQ jar files and, as a result, do not have the full set on the Java class path at runtime. This can lead to all kinds problems and unexpected exceptions, such as the one you are experiencing.
请注意,IBM支持部门不允许复制MQ jar文件,重命名它们和/或将它们捆绑到应用程序中,并使MQ条款和条件无效。 (捆绑到V8和V9可再发行客户端和allclient的应用程序中的规则是微妙的不同;但是你不在这里使用它)。
Please note that copying MQ jar files, renaming them and/or bundling them into applications is not permitted by IBM Support and invalidates the MQ terms and conditions. (The rules are subtlety different for bundling into apps for the V8 and V9 redistributable client and allclient; but your not using that here).
If you perform a proper install of the MQ client onto your system (which you should do) and then use the instructions that you have already found in the Knowledge Center to reference the com.ibm.mq.jar file for classes for Java applications or the com.ibm.mqjms.jar for classes for JMS applications on the Java class path, your problem will be resolved.
这篇关于Spring JMS和IBM Websphere MQ的JMSCS0002的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!