

本文介绍了forEach lambda会导致比赛状态吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am unsure of how lambdas work in practice, and I am concerned since under certain circumstances, lambdas can result in errors such as ConcurrentModificationExceptions if you use them incorrectly, which seems to be indicative of a race condition.
Consider the code below.

private class deltaCalculator{
    Double valueA;
    Double valueB;

    //Init delta
    volatile Double valueDelta = null;

    private void calculateMinimum(List<T> dataSource){
        dataSource.forEach((entry -> {
            valueA = entry.getA();
            valueB = entry.getB();
            Double dummyDelta;

            dummyDelta = Math.abs(valueA - valueB);

            if(valueDelta == null){
            }else {
                setDelta((valueDelta > dummyDelta) ? dummyDelta : valueDelta);

    private void setDelta(Double d){
        this.valueDelta = d;

如果没有,为什么forEach lambda会引发ConcurrentModificationException?

How does the forEach loop operate? Do different calls get passed to different threads where the JVM considers it appropriate, opening up the possibility of a race condition that could lead to incorrect minimum calculation?
If not, why can a forEach lambda throw a ConcurrentModificationException?



You'll get a ConcurrentModificationException if you try to modify the collection that you're iterating over while the for each loop runs. This could be done in a separate thread entirely, but much more commonly occurs when you try to modify the collection in the loop body.


No. No multithreading is taking place in your example above.

这篇关于forEach lambda会导致比赛状态吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-24 12:23