



我想在Java Web应用程序中使用javascript库,但我想知道,在jsf应用程序(例如Ice Faces或Prime Faces ??)中是否有可能.

I want to use a javascript library in a java web application, and I am wondering, is this possible in a jsf application (eg Ice Faces, or Prime Faces??).


Are there any rules to be followed while integrating use of a js library in a jsf project? What should I keep in mind and how do I do this?


只有一个JSF Framework,最新版本是2.1,并且未与js框架本地捆绑在一起.请记住,JSF和任何其他Web框架(例如Struts或Spring任务)都是通过提供成熟的MVC框架来帮助开发周期的,但是除此之外,它还是一个纯Java Web应用程序.

There is just one JSF Framework and latest version is 2.1, and is not bundled natively with js framework. Remember that JSF and any other web framework like Struts or Spring mission is to help in the development cycle by providing a mature MVC framework, but beyond that, it is a pure Java Web Application.

与任何Web应用程序一样,您可以添加需要使用的任何JavaScript框架(例如 extjs ).特别是在JSF中,您可以添加带有ajax功能的标记组件框架,例如 RichFaces PrimeFaces 两者都随jQuery一起提供,您应先检查出厂版本,然后再尝试添加自己的jQuery版本.

As any Web Application, you can add any JavaScript framework you need to work with (like extjs). Specifically in JSF, there are tag component frameworks you can add that comes with ajax functionality like RichFaces and PrimeFaces both of them come with jQuery and you should check the shipped version before try to add your own jQuery version.


08-24 11:17