So I'm creating a simple database reader which is only supposed to get values from an access database into a DataGridView. I connected them with the built in help to get a DataSource if you know what I mean. And everything is fine but on the "Value" column when I write down let's say 1172,44 it will save it as 117244 in access and so, when I open it on the application the value is 117244 since it's the saved value.
Both in access and in the c# dataset the fieldsize property is set as double. I've tried as decimal but it just gives me an error which I can't find out what's causing it. Seems like to me that it is not reading "," as a comma but as a "." which most likely makes it a thousand-separator and just removes it resulting in the number without the comma. Anyone knows how i could fix it ? I can get any code you need here you just have to ask.
谢谢你,Bruno Charters。 (=
Thanks, Bruno Charters. (=
您可以尝试将存储在DataSet中的double值设置为与文化无关(不变)一个方法是使用 CultureInfo 格式提供程序来解析输入,下面的代码演示了1172的转换,44到 1172.44d
You could try setting the double value stored in the DataSet to be culture-independent (invariant) and control the representation of the group and decimal separators. One way to do this is parsing the input using the CultureInfo format provider. The code below illustrates the conversion of "1172,44" into 1172.44d
var culture = (CultureInfo) CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.Clone(); culture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator = ","; culture.NumberFormat.NumberGroupSeparator = "."; var a = double.Parse("1172,44", culture); Console.WriteLine(a); //outputs 1172.44