什么是好的网站这解释了如何使用OpenCV配置Android SDK构建Android应用程序?
What is a good site that explains how to configure the Android SDK to build Android apps with OpenCV?
I set up an Android app with OpenCV yesterday.
- 使用OpenCV for Android
- 使用JavaCV
OpenCV for Android比JavaCV更全面地支持。按照Google的说明安装Eclipse,Android SDK和(don'忘记NDK!需要运行C ++代码,你的应用程序会神秘地崩溃,没有它)。之后,请按照安装openCV。尝试示例应用程序。
OpenCV for Android is more fully supported than JavaCV. Follow Google's instructions to install Eclipse, the Android SDK and NDK (don't forget the NDK! It is needed to run C++ code. Your apps will mysteriously crash without it). Afterwards, follow this tutorial to install openCV. Try out the sample applications.
或者,您可以尝试使用JavaCV而不是OpenCV for Android。这意味着您不需要设置Android NDK。这也意味着你不需要编写任何C ++。我没有尝试这个。但我怀疑这更容易。缺点是:它不支持OpenCV的一切。
Alternatively, you can try using JavaCV instead of OpenCV for Android. This means you won't need to setup the Android NDK. It also means you won't need to write any C++. I didn't try this. But I suspect it is easier. The downside is: it doesn't support everything OpenCV does.