

本文介绍了有问题的C程序找到2个数字之间的公因数。的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 程序不会打印常用的,而是打印初始化值,该值旨在按程序中的编码递增。 我认为问题在于while循环。 如果更正以下代码而不是编写完全不同的代码,将不胜感激。 我尝试了什么: # include < conio.h > #include < stdio.h > int main(){ int a,b,i,j; int total_a = 0 ,total_b = 0 ; printf( 输入你的整数:\ n); scanf( %d%d,& a,& b); for (i = 1 ,j = 1 ; i< = a,j< = b; i ++,j ++){ if (a %i == 0 ) total_a = total_a * 10 + i; if (b%j == 0 ) total_b = total_b * 10 + j; } / * printf(%d%d ,total_a,total_b); int total = 0; printf(%d,total); * / int rem_a,rem_b,total = 0 ; while (total_a!= 0 ){ rem_a = total_a%10; while (total_b!= 0 ){ rem_b = total_b%10; if (rem_a == rem_b){ total = total * 10 + rem_a; } total_b / = 10 ; } total_a / = 10 ; } printf( %d,总计) ; return 0 ; } 解决方案 嗯。你需要考虑更多:你的代码没有你想象的那样。 for(i = 1,j = 1; i< = a, j< = b; i ++,j ++){ 在这个循环中, i 和 j 将始终具有相同的值;他们将从一开始,然后他们都将是两个,依此类推。我不确定他们什么时候会停止,因为我之前没有看过带逗号的情况,我怀疑它会编译 - 我在平板电脑上并且目前没有C编译器我不能检查,但我不认为它是有效的C代码。 可能,你需要一对嵌套的循环,而不是一个循环...... The program doesn't print the common but instead the initialized value which is intended to increment as coded in the program.And i think the problem lies in the while loop.it would be appreciated if the following code is corrected instead of writing totally different code.What I have tried:#include <conio.h>#include <stdio.h>int main(){int a, b, i, j;int total_a=0, total_b=0;printf("Enter your integers: \n");scanf(" %d%d", &a, &b);for(i=1, j=1; i<=a,j<=b; i++,j++){if(a%i==0)total_a = total_a*10 + i;if(b%j==0)total_b = total_b*10 + j;}/*printf(" %d %d", total_a, total_b);int total=0;printf(" %d", total);*/int rem_a, rem_b, total =0;while(total_a!=0){rem_a = total_a%10;while(total_b!=0){rem_b =total_b%10;if(rem_a==rem_b){total = total*10 + rem_a;}total_b/=10;}total_a/=10;}printf(" %d", total);return 0;} 解决方案 Um. You need to think some more about this: your code doesn't do what you think it will.for(i=1, j=1; i<=a,j<=b; i++,j++){Inside this loop, i and j will always have the same value; they will both start at one, then they will both be two, and so on. I'm not sure when they will stop, because I've not seen a condition with a comma in it before and I doubt it will compile - I'm on a tablet and have no C compiler at the moment s I can't check, but I don't think it's valid C code.Probably, you need a nested pair of loops, rather than a single loop... 这篇关于有问题的C程序找到2个数字之间的公因数。的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-24 09:57