




Column contains long multiline texts which make row height too big.

我根据Tony的回答尝试了以下样式 http://www .trirand.com/blog/?page_id = 393/help/possible-row-height-bug-in-in-ie8/

I tried styles below based on Tony's answer inhttp://www.trirand.com/blog/?page_id=393/help/possible-row-height-bug-in-in-ie8/


but those do not limit row maximum height: Row height is still equal to by number of lines in column.

如何将行的最大高度限制为某个值?文本不应该换行(因为它已经在使用jqGrid默认设置)并且剩余的行不应该显示. (如果使用edittype textarea,则可以在编辑模式下检查整个文本).

How to limit maximum height of row to some value? Text should not wrap (as it already is using jqGrid default settings) and remaining rows should not shown. (Whole text can examined in edit mode if edittype textarea is used).

jqgrid tr.jqgrow td {
  max-height  : 100px;

ui-jqgrid tr.jqgrow td {
 max-height  : 100px;

td {
  max-height  : 100px;

tr {
  max-height  : 100px;



You can't use max-height on td or tr elements, but you can place the multiline text inside of the <div> having the same style. To do this you can use for example the following custom formatter:

formatter: function(v) {
    return '<div style="max-height: 100px">' + v + '</div>';

或将<div style="max-height: 100px">...</div>放在JSON/XML数据中.结果,您将获得类似

or place the <div style="max-height: 100px">...</div> inside of your JSON/XML data. As the result you will have something like


(I displayed tooltip during I made the screenshot to show that the data in the cell contain more lines as displayed in the grid)See the corresponding demo here.


08-24 09:38