



我的colmodel,具有一个列名"count"和一个用于警告更改的editoptions dataEvent.在添加表单中,我要删除此警报,并且仅在编辑模式下需要此警报.所以,我尝试使用setColProp和.attr在添加表单beforeshowform()的过程中做了几件事 但是似乎没有任何效果.任何帮助都将不胜感激.

My colmodel, has a column name'count' and a editoptions dataEvent that alerts a change.In the add form i want to remove this alert and need this alert only in the edit mode..So, i tried a couple of things in the add form beforeshowform(),using setColProp and .attr But nothing seems to work.. any help greatly appreciated.


数据事件" rel ="nofollow noreferrer"> beforeShowForm 为时已晚.您应该在beforeInitData回调内部进行更改.

Setting of dataEvents inside of beforeShowForm is too late. You should make the changes inside of beforeInitData callback.


If you would need additionally to use different initializations inside of dataInit you can use the simple trick which I described here. In the case you just set any variable like inEdit to true or false and inside of beforeInitData callback and make different actions inside of dataInit depend in the value of inEdit.


08-24 09:11