

本文介绍了.then(functionReference)和.then(function(value){return functionReference(value)})之间是否存在差异?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


给定一个命名函数用于处理 Promise

Given a named function utilized to handle a Promise value

function handlePromise(data) {
  // do stuff with `data`
  return data

a)传递指定函数 handlePromise 作为对的引用.then()

a) Passing the named function handlePromise as a reference to .then()


b)使用匿名或命名函数作为 .then()的参数并返回指定函数 handlePromise Promise 值作为传递给 .then()

b) Using an anonymous or named function as parameter to .then() and returning the named function handlePromise with Promise value as parameter within the body of the anonymous or named function passed to .then()

promise.then(function /*[functionName]*/(data) {return handlePromise(data)})


  1. 模式a)和b)之间是否存在差异?

  1. Are there any differences between patterns a) and b)?


If the answer to 1. is yes, what are the differences that should beconsidered when using either pattern?


可以创建一个在没有传递参数时存在差异的情况,但是它是一个延伸,通常你应该传递 f 而不是 function(x){return f(x); } x => f(x)因为它更干净。

It is possible to create a case where there is a difference when no argument is passed, but it is a stretch and generally you should pass f and not function(x) { return f(x); } or x => f(x) because it is cleaner.


Here is an example causing a difference, the rationale is that functions that takes parameters can cause side effects with those parameters:

function f() {
   if(arguments.length === 0) console.log("win");
   else console.log("Hello World");
const delay = ms => new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms)); // just a delay
delay(500).then(f); // logs "Hello World";
delay(500).then(() => f()) // logs "win"

这篇关于.then(functionReference)和.then(function(value){return functionReference(value)})之间是否存在差异?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-24 09:01