,-96.2044115,6z@ 之后的坐标随着您在地图上导航而改变,但没有刷新浏览器.书签可以很好地处理这个问题.维基百科没有提及关于此的任何内容,RFC3986 仅显示 @ 符号作为用户名/密码身份验证的可能性.这是标准化功能还是专有浏览器功能?此功能使用安全吗?如何正确使用? 解决方案 @38.1158476,-96.2044115,6z 不是 查询组件.它仍然是路径组件的一部分.@ 字符可以在路径中使用,即使没有百分号编码也是如此.所以从 URI 标准的角度来看,这个 URI 没有什么特别之处.可以使用任何其他(或不使用)字符来代替.我假设 Google 在这里使用 @ 是因为用户可能将其读作at",这适用于at ".While browsing the new Google Maps I saw that they are using an @ sign instead of ? to seperate the url-path from the query parameters, like:,-96.2044115,6zThe coordinates after the @ change as you are navigating around the map, but without a browser refresh. Bookmarking works fine with this.Wikipedia does not mention anything about this, RFC3986 only shows the @ sign as a possibility for username/password authentication.Is this a standardised feature or a proprietary browser functionality? Is this feature safe to use, and how do I use it correctly? 解决方案 @38.1158476,-96.2044115,6z is not the query component. It’s still part of the path component.The @ character can be used in the path, even without percent-encoding it.So from the URI standard perspective, there is nothing special about this URI. There could have been used any other (or no) character instead.I assume Google uses the @ here because users might read it as "at", which is suitable for "at <location>". 这篇关于@ 符号作为 url 参数分隔符?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-24 08:48