I'm trying to perform a search which as a condition it must return only records with a certain amount of associated records.
目前我有一个模型(乐队)和一个相关联的模型thourgh hasmany(Songids)。
Currently I have one model (Bands) and one associated model thourgh hasmany (Songids). Each band can have many songids.
在此特定搜索中,我想返回4个结果,其中这些频段至少 10个关联的歌曲。
In this particular search I want to return 4 results of bands where those bands have at least 10 associated songids.
I tried to perform this with "HAVING" condition in the find procedure and virtualfields in the songid model with "COUNT(Songid.band_id)" but it only returns the total, not just for the selected field.
How can i achieve this? I was thinking of something like:
$random = $this->Band->find('all', array( 'fields' => array('Band.band'), 'order' => 'rand()', 'limit' => 4, 'contain' => array( 'Songid' => array( 'conditions' => array( 'band_id COUNT' => 2) ) ) ) );
最后部分'band_id COUNT'=> 2应该做的伎俩,但我不能这行得通。 任何想法?
Last part "'band_id COUNT' => 2" should do the trick but I can't make it work. Any ideas?
I could do a find all and then a foreach with a count for each associated model, but i'm looking for a "one find, no processing" solution.
'band_id COUNT'=> 2 不是CakePHP ORM理解的东西,如果你必须使用一个合适的SQL片段,例如 COUNT(table)> = x
'band_id COUNT' => 2 is not something the CakePHP ORM would understand, if at all you'd have to use a proper SQL snippet like COUNT(table) >= x.
但条件总是映射到 WHERE ,并且 WHERE COUNT 在MySQL中不起作用(您可能已经知道,如使用 HAVING )。
However conditions always map to WHERE, and WHERE COUNT doesn't work in MySQL (which you are probably aware of as you've mentioned using HAVING).
In this particular situation you could make use of a counter cache field
class Songid extends AppModel { // ... public $belongsTo = array( 'Band' => array( 'counterCache' => true, ) ); // ... }
that way you can easily query by the number of associated records using a simple condition like:
$this->Band->find('all', array( // ... 'conditions' => array( 'Band.songid_count >=' 10 ) ));
Use joins
When not using a counter, you'll have to join in the associated tables manually as they are not included automatically, but rather used in separate queries.
- strong>
- Error with a query across two Models of a Plugin - CakePHP
- http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/models/associations-linking-models-together.html#joining-tables
Once joined in you can safely query on the associated model:
$this->Band->find('all', array( 'joins' => array( array( 'table' => 'songids', 'alias' => 'Songid', 'type' => 'LEFT', 'conditions' => array('Band.id = Songid.band_id') ) ), // ... 'group' => 'Band.id HAVING COUNT(Songid.id) >= 10' ));
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