



使用贝哈特子上下文类我需要调用从主背景,例如方法 $这个 - > getMainContext() - GT; foobar的()。 PhpStorm相当合理警告我说, foobar的()不存在,因为它需要 getMainContext()返回一个 ExtendedContextInterface ,不是我的具体 FeatureContext

Using a Behat sub-context class I need to call a method from the main context, e.g. $this->getMainContext()->fooBar(). PhpStorm quite reasonably warns me that fooBar() doesn't exist, because it expects getMainContext() to return an ExtendedContextInterface, not my concrete FeatureContext.

有没有办法来标注我的子类来告诉PhpStorm的 getMainContext()实际上返回我的具体类?

Is there a way to annotate my sub-class to tell PhpStorm that getMainContext() actually returns my concrete class?

一个解决方案是重写 getMainContext()只是有在其上添加自己的PHPDoc的方法,从而指定不同的返回类型,但添加的方法只是得到更好的code意义上的IDE是可怕的。

One solution is to override getMainContext() just to have a method on which to add my own PHPDoc, thus specifying a different return type, but adding a method just to get nicer code sense in an IDE is horrid.


BTW, I know this is all a bit hacky and that theoretically my sub-context shouldn't depend upon my main context having a particular concrete implementation; in reality though Behat doesn't make that practical.



Using the standard @method annotation for the class works:

  * @method FeatureContext getMainContext()
 class SubContext extends BehatContext
     public function foo()


08-24 08:13