

我想限制子进程不要写太多数据或占用太多CPU时间(无限循环).在C语言中,我将调用setrlimit(2)来做到这一点. node.js中是否有类似的东西?

I'd like to restrict child processes from writing too much data or taking up too much cpu time (infinite loop). In C, I'd call setrlimit(2) to do that. Is there something like this in node.js?


据我所知,没有提供setrlimit()功能的node.js扩展,但是您可以使用一个小的shell解决方法来解决该限制. :

As far as I know, there is no node.js extension that provides setrlimit() functionality, but you can work around the limitation with a small shell workaround hack:

/bin/sh -c "ulimit -t 100; exec /usr/bin/node /my/node/program.js"

像核心node.js一样,它现在不再支持setrlimit(),因为它支持Windows,并且不再是仅POSIX的框架: https://github.com/joyent/node/pull/2143

Looks like core node.js will never have setrlimit() now that it supports Windows and is no longer a POSIX-only framework: https://github.com/joyent/node/pull/2143

更新:我将拒绝的Node补丁转换为单独的posix扩展模块,现在可以在 NPM Github .

Update: I converted the rejected Node patch into a separate posix extension module which is now available in NPM and Github.


08-24 07:53