I can't install node.js (0.8.9). I'm doing it via Setup Wizard and each time at the end of installation I get message "Node.js Setup Wizard ended prematurely".
这可能会在将来对某人有所帮助.我从安装程序中收到类似的消息,发现我可以转到命令提示符并使用命令行选项运行MSI,以使其创建日志文件(如node-v0.10.24-x64.msi /lxv C:\Logs\Nodejs.log
This may help someone in the future. I got a similar message from the installer and found that I could go to command prompt and run the MSI with a command line option to make it create a log file (like node-v0.10.24-x64.msi /lxv C:\Logs\Nodejs.log
), where you can choose what the log is called and where it goes.
就我而言,我们正在Active Directory域环境中运行,并且某些通常位于本地的文件夹被重定向到网络共享,因此无论我们登录的是什么计算机,它们始终位于该目录中.主要是为了使用我们的我的文档"文件夹.
In my case, we are running in an Active Directory domain environment and some of our folders that are normally local are redirected to a network share so they are always there no matter what computer we log into. Mostly for the benefit of our "My Documents" folder.
When looking through the log I found the actual error that I was getting:
- WixCreateInternetShortcuts:错误0x80070005:无法保存快捷方式'\ ad.local \ system \ users \< myAcctName> \ Start Menu \ Programs \ Node.js \ Node.js website.url'
- WixCreateInternetShortcuts:错误0x80070005:创建Internet快捷方式失败
- CustomAction WixCreateInternetShortcuts返回了实际错误代码1603(请注意,如果在沙箱中进行翻译,则此错误可能不是100%准确).
Oddly enough, just running an admin escalated command prompt first, and then running the MSI lets it install correctly.
的身份运行,并且该帐户可以访问我的设备上的所有内容,但它没有网络访问.当我运行升级的命令提示符时,它以 me 的身份运行,但是已经升级了(MSI无需请求升级),因此它可以正常工作.
I think the difference is that when you double-click on an MSI and it escalates, it runs as TrustedInstaller
and while that account has access to everything on my box, it does not have network access. When I run an escalated command prompt, it is running as me, but already escalated (the MSI never needs to ask for escalation), so it works.
As of 7/22/2015, the node.js team has finally tracked down the issue with the installer and from 0.12.8 and forward this should be no longer an issue for us. I tested an early version of the installer for them to make sure it worked for me and there were no hitches with the install.
https://github.com/joyent/node/issues/5849# issuecomment-123905214
As of this writing, 7/30/2015, the current version was still 0.12.7, so x.8 has not yet been rolled out to the masses I guess.