


In one of my ansible roles I would like to set up a basic network/interfaces stanza, like this:

auto eth1
ifaces eth1 inet dhcp
    dns-nameserver {{ ansible_eth1.ipv4.address }}
    dns-search maas


I have variables, and I create the stanza with the jinja2 template:

auto {{ iface }}
ifaces {{ iface}} inet dhcp
    dns-nameserver {{ ansible_{{ iface }}.ipv4.address }}
    dns-search maas

我可以在模板中引用变量变量吗?我还尝试在ansible yaml中创建一个变量,例如nserver:ansible _ {{{iface}}。ipv4.address,该方法也不起作用!

Can I reference a variable variable in a template? I also tried creating a variable in the ansible yaml, like nserver: ansible_{{iface}}.ipv4.address, that didn't work either!


您可以使用内置的 hostvars dict变量引用主机的变量。

You can use built-in hostvars dict variable to reference variables of host.

auto {{ iface }}
iface {{ iface }} inet dhcp
    dns-nameserver {{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_'+ iface]['ipv4']['address'] }}
    dns-search maas

inventory_hostname 是Ansible知道的当前主机的名称。

inventory_hostname is name of current host as known by Ansible.


08-24 07:47