

是否可以将某些参数从动态 urls (我有 ^ c/(?P< username> \ w +)/^ )传递给自定义context_processors ?

Is it possible to pass some argument from dynamic urls (I have ^c/(?P<username>\w+)/^) to custom context_processors?

views.py(我将 username 从url传递给 RequestContext )

views.py (I pass username from url to RequestContext)

def client_profile(request, username):
     # .... some context
     return render_to_response('profile.html', context,
                                context_instance=RequestContext(request, username))



def default_profile(request, username):
    client = get_object_or_404(Client, user__username=username)
    #.... some default
    return {
        'client': client,
        #.... some default


I try this, but it was an error when I reload a page


Is any another way to do something like this? Or is it really not possible?



上下文处理器非常简单,只有一个参数. HttpRequest

Context processors are fairly simple, with only 1 argument; HttpRequest

您可以做的是在会话中添加一些内容,因为可以通过请求进行访问,但是除非是系统范围的内容或相当通用的内容,否则通常最好通过视图提供上下文变量.具体来说,在您的示例中,如果要在URL中提供用户名,那么您将在该视图的响应中提供上下文,因此您只需在此时提供 client .

What you could do, is add something to the session because that would be accessible via the request, but unless it's something system wide or quite generic then you are often better off providing your context variables via your views. Specifically in your example, if you're providing a username in an URL, you are providing a context in the response of that view, so you could simply provide the client at that point.


Anyway, if you provided something through the session your code might look like;

def client_profile(request, username):
     # .... some context
     request.session['username'] = username
     return render_to_response(
         'profile.html', context,
         context_instance=RequestContext(request, username)

def default_profile(request):
    context = {}
    if 'username' in request.session:
        username = request.session['username']
        client = get_object_or_404(Client, user__username=username)
            'client': client,

    return context


08-24 07:23