




I just came across this while reading some code and I have absolutely no idea what it means. I tried googling and whatnot but I got nothing, probably due to a lack of vocabulary. The code:

public final class GeneralPath extends Path2D.Float
    // code and whathaveyou


What I know so far:

因此,我对公共最终类ClassName扩展"部分没有任何疑问,但是我不理解在超类名称中是否存在点/范围解析运算符.首先,我想有人会说"Java没有范围解析运算符"之类的东西,以澄清Java与Cpp/other-OOP语言之间细微差别,这很好,我很高兴知道那样细微的区别. "private"关键字曾经在一次硬件作业中杀死了我,但我希望有人注意到Java和C中的"private"之间的区别.

So I dont have any questions regarding the "public final class ClassName extends" portion, but I don't understand the presence of the dot/scope-resolution operator in the superclass designation. For starters, I imagine that someone is going to say something like "Java doesn't have a scope-resolution operator" to clarify some difference in nuances between Java and Cpp/other-OOP-languages, which is fine, as I appreciate knowing subtle distinctions like that. The "private" keyword killed me in a hw assignment once and I wish someone had noted the difference between "private" in Java and C then.


Im confused because clearly it is not referencing a member of the superclass, as the "member" is capitalized, and even if it were, it would seem redundant to reference a member of an object rather than just the object class itself. Furthermore, I failed to find information on the subject since most people who write java how-to's tend to start with the simpler concepts like "basic" class inheritance, and so I couldn't find anything involving the "dot" operator in relation to using the "extends" keyword.


In case I am using too many technical terms, I want to know why they used the dot operator for "Path2D.Float", or at least, what the dot operator does in this context.




The GeneralPath class is extending a class Float that is nested inside the Path2D class, which is defined something like this:

public class Path2D {
    public static class Float {
       // ...
    // ...


08-24 07:20