


Does it matter how I import header files? I've seen double quotes as well as arrows used.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "Some_Header.h"


Does it matter if they're capitalized a certain way as well? Experimenting around with this, it seems neither matters, but I figure there must be a reason for tutorials doing it the way they do.


Another question is, (coming from Java here), how do I access a class outside the file it was defined in? Say, I have one.cpp and two.cpp.


class Something {


class SomethingElse {
    Something *example;

这样吗?在Java中,你只要在类名前加上public。在C ++中,争用类似乎有点难度。

Like that? In Java you'd just preface a class name with "public." In C++, wrangling classes seems to be a bit more difficult..


中的尖括号#include 指令表示搜索路径限于system包含目录。双引号意味着搜索路径包括当前目录,后跟系统include目录。

Angle brackets in #include directives means the search path is limited to the "system" include directories. Double quotes mean the search path includes the current directory, followed by the system include directories.

使用区分大小写的文件系统。它听起来像你可能使用Windows或Mac OS X,其中文件名默认情况下不区分大小写。

The case of the filename matters when your OS is using a filesystem that is case sensitive. It sounds like you might be using Windows or Mac OS X, where filenames are case insensitive by default.


08-24 07:11