

我对javascript很新,目前正在学习使用Node.js实现带有MongoDB后端的graphQL API。我遇到了两种类型之间循环依赖的问题。

I am fairly new to javascript and am currently learning to implement a graphQL API with a MongoDB backend using Node.js. I am running into a problem with a circular dependency between two types.


Basically, I have a classic blog post/blog author situation. A post only has one author and therefore the mongoose schema holds a reference to that author.


In my graphQL type "Author" I want to add a field "posts" which allows me to navigate from authors to all the posts they have written. The reference is not coded in the database models but retrieved through the controllers. Here's my blog post code.

var graphql = require("graphql");
var AuthorResolvers = require("../resolvers/author");
var PostResolvers = require("../resolvers/post");
var AuthorType = require("./author").AuthorType;

var PostType = new graphql.GraphQLObjectType({
  name: "PostType",
  fields: {
        _id: {
            type: graphql.GraphQLID
        title: {
            type: graphql.GraphQLString
        author: {
            type: AuthorType,
            description: "Author of this post",
            resolve: (post) => AuthorResolvers.retwArgs(post)

module.exports = {PostType};


The resolvers.js file only exports functions to address the controllers.


My authors type is defined as follows:

var graphql = require ("graphql");
var AuthorResolvers = require("../resolvers/author");
var PostResolvers = require("../resolvers/post");

var AuthorType = new graphql.GraphQLObjectType({
  name: "AuthorType",
  fields: () => {
        var PostType = require("./post");
        return {
            _id: {
                type: graphql.GraphQLID
            name: {
                type: graphql.GraphQLString
            posts: {
                type: new graphql.GraphQLList(PostType),
                description: "Posts written by this author",
                resolve: (author) => PostResolvers.retwArgs(author)


  1. 我使用函数返回fields字段。我认为这被称为thunk或闭包。

  2. 我需要函数中的PostType返回字段。当我需要文件./post和其他要求时,错误已经被抛到文件的顶部。


when i try to run this server example, i recieve the error:

Can only create List of a GraphQLType but got: [object Object].


type: new graphql.GraphQLList(PostType)


The files containing the type definitions posted above also export queries like this:

var PostQuery = {
    posts: {
        type: new graphql.GraphQLList(PostType),
        description: "Posts of this Blog",
        resolve: PostResolvers.ret


var AuthorQuery = {
    authors: {
        type: new graphql.GraphQLList(AuthorType),
        description: "The authors working on this Blog",
        resolve: AuthorResolvers.ret


for the author respectively. Everything is brought together in a Schema file like this:

var graphql = require("graphql");
var Author = require("./types/author").AuthorQuery;
var Post = require("./types/post").PostQuery;

var root_query = new graphql.GraphQLObjectType({
  name: "root_query",
  fields: {
    posts: Post.posts,
    authors: Author.authors

module.exports = new graphql.GraphQLSchema({
  query: root_query


var graphql = require ('graphql').graphql
var express = require('express')
var graphQLHTTP = require('express-graphql')
var Schema = require('./api/schema')

var app = express()
  .use("/", graphQLHTTP(
      schema: Schema,
      pretty: true,
      graphiql: true,
  .listen(4000, function(err) {
    console.log('Running a GraphQL API server at localhost:4000');


I really don't see any way to resolve this circular dependency. If i simply comment out the references to the PostType in the AuthorType definitions, The server starts without problems. Any help here would be greatly appreciated.


Maybe for better understanding. The directory structure looks like this:

│   package.json
│   server.js
│   │   schema.js
│   │
│   ├───controllers
│   │       author.js
│   │       post.js
│   │
│   ├───models
│   │       author.js
│   │       post.js
│   │
│   ├───resolvers
│   │       author.js
│   │       post.js
│   │
│   └───types
│           author.js
│           post.js


这是模块循环依赖的典型问题 - 你可以参考这个问题。在这种情况下,它与GraphQL无关。

This is rather typical problem of modules circular dependency - you can refer to this question How to deal with cyclic dependencies in Node.js. In this case it has nothing to do with GraphQL.

此外,你做 module.exports = {PostType} 但是在 AuthorType 中你执行 var PostType = require('./ post'),不应该是 var PostType = require('。/ post')。PostType ?我想这是你得到以下错误的原因:

What is more, you do module.exports = { PostType } however in AuthorType you perform var PostType = require('./post'), shouldn't that be var PostType = require('./post').PostType? I suppose this is the cause of below error you get:

只能创建一个GraphQLType的List但得到:[object Object]。

因为你的 PostType 现在是 {PostType:... } 而不是 GraphQLObjectType 实例。

Because your PostType is now { PostType: ... } and not a GraphQLObjectType instance.


08-24 07:08