




I have a web-app that requires a configuration JSON file which contains end-points and other required start-up parameters.


If I use the json-loader, the file is not "real json", it'll look something like this:

module.exports = {
    "name": "foo",
    "key": true,


What I would like is plain old JSON which means it can be parsed and changed as part of a deployment process before being sent to the web server where it will be served from.


An alternative is to use the file-loader. However, that means that (even though it's a trivial task) I have to write the code to download the file myself. I would like to have webpack handle this and be available.

是否可以通过require JSON文件(以普通JSON文件形式编写并在运行时导入)?

Is there a way that I can require a JSON file, which is written as a plain-old JSON file and imported at run time?



Webpack acts on compile-time. That means when you require a file, it loads that file, performs modifications as specified by the loader-chain and exports you the final result from that chain. So what you're asking for sounds like a loader, that acts like a file-loader, but exports an IIFE that returns a promise for the required file.

从理论上讲,可以有一个webpack加载器,比如说从文件加载器获取输入的 async-file-loader 会为您处理异步请求.让我们假设像这样:

In theory it's possible to have a webpack loader, lets say an async-file-loader that gets the input from the file-loader will handle the async requst for you. Let's assume something like:

const promisedFile = require('async-file-loader!file-loader!./myJson.json');
promisedFile.then(file => { console.log(JSON.parse(file)); });

但随后,用于处理请求的整个逻辑将被限制在该调用内. async-file-loader看起来像这样:

But then the whole logic for handling the request would be boundled within that call. The async-file-loader would look something like this:

module.exports = function(source) {
    return `module.exports = eval("(function(url){
      /* define async request func, preform request and return promise in here */



When you want to load your json-file in runtime, I'll see 2 options:

  1. 使用文件加载器并自行异步请求json文件.
  2. 使用服务器端脚本语言并将配置注入.html文件.如果您使用的是nodejs并在后端进行举例说明,则可以使用 Cheerio ,然后再处理请求.
  1. use the file-loader and request the json file asyncronously on your own.
  2. use a server-sided scripting language and inject the config into the .html file. If your're using nodejs and express for example on your backend side, you could easily inject the config using Cheerio before serving the request.


08-24 06:54