本文介绍了Rails has_one关联混乱的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am very new to Rails and I want to create a Person model that has one Address and a Company Model that has one Address and one Person.


Here is what I've done so far

$ rails generate model Address street:string suburb:string

$ rails g scaffold Person name:string address:references

$ rails g scaffold Company name:string person:references address:references

    class Address < ActiveRecord::Base
      belongs_to :person
      belongs_to :company

    class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
      has_one :address

    class Company < ActiveRecord::Base
      has_one :person
      has_one :address


Obviously I am missing something. Does Address need a polymorphic association?


I am pretty lost, so any guidance would be appreciated.



您丢失了外键和/或将它们放在不正确的位置.请记住,子代"模型中需要外键.这就是所拥有的模型. Person has_one地址也是如此,该地址是拥有的,并且应包含引用该Person的外键.

You are missing you foreign keys and/or have them in the incorrect place. Remember that a foreign key is needed in the 'child' model. That is the model that is possesed. So is a Person has_one address, the address is possessed, and should contain a foreign key that references the Person.


A foreign key is a column in the database, or an attribute in the model, that holds the id of the associated possessor model. For example an Address model that belongs_to a Person will look like this in the database:

Address -->   | address_id  | person_id | street | suburb |


If it belongs to a Person and a Company it should look like this.

Address --> | address_id  | person_id | company_id | street | suburb |


Instead of the above you should generate your scaffold code like so:

$ rails generate model Address street:string suburb:string person_id:integer company_id:integer

$ rails g scaffold Person name:string

$ rails g scaffold Company name:string

您的模型代码看起来不错.请注意,Rails更喜欢配置惯例",因此地址模型中的belongs_to :person将通过惯例"告诉Rails在地址表中查找格式为person_id的外键.

Your model code looks good. Note that Rails prefers "convention of configuration" so belongs_to :person in the Address model will, by 'convention', tell rails to look for a foreign key of the form person_id within the Address table.

这篇关于Rails has_one关联混乱的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-24 06:44