本文介绍了在 Visual Studio 中点击 Tab 选择块而不是添加缩进的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我正在使用 Visual Studio 2015 和 ReSharper 2016.2,我有这种奇怪的行为,我可能(意外)激活了它.当光标位于第一个单词之前的一行时,按 Tab 键可以正确缩进该行:

I am using Visual Studio 2015 and ReSharper 2016.2 and I have this strange behavior, that I probably activated (accidentally). When having the cursor in a line before the first word, hitting the Tab-key indents the line correctly:

当光标位于行内任何单词内时,按 Tab 键可选择单词或块.

When the cursor is inside of any word inside the line, hitting the Tab-key selects the word or block.

但所需的行为是在光标处缩进(例如,将一个单词拆分为两个单词,如果光标位于字母 r 之后的单词 Stream 内):

But the desired behavior would be to indent at the cursor (e.g. split a word into two words, if the cursor was inside of the word Stream after the letter r):

有谁知道这个功能"是怎么称呼的?它来自 ReSharper 吗?在哪里可以启用或禁用?

Does anyone know how this 'feature' is called? Does it come from ReSharper? Where can it be enabled or disabled?


转到 Resharper -> Options,在左侧的树视图中选择 Editor Behavior 并取消选中最后一个选项 Use Tab/Shift Tab keys for structure navigation强>.

Go to Resharper -> Options, in the left treeview select Editor Behavior and uncheck the last option Use Tab/Shift Tab keys for structural navigation.

Resharper 2016.3.1 更新.

感谢@Jordan 指出这一点!

这篇关于在 Visual Studio 中点击 Tab 选择块而不是添加缩进的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-06 21:19