


I'm trying to write a program that takes any number of command line arguments, in this case, strings and reverses them, then outputs them to the console. Here is what I have so far:

let CL = process.argv.slice(2);
let extract = CL[0];

function reverseString(commandInput) {
  var newString = "";
  for (var i = commandInput.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    newString += commandInput[i];
  return console.log(newString);

let call = reverseString(extract);


I can't figure out a way to make this work for multiple arguments in the command line such as:

node reverseString.js numberOne numberTwo


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however it works fine for a single argument such as:

node reverseString.js numberOne


您需要在每个 argv [n ...] 上运行 reverseString()函数>传入的值.正确应用Array.prototype.splice(2)函数后,该函数将删除数组索引0和1(包含命令(/path/to/node )和/path/to/module/file.js ),则需要遍历数组中每个剩余的索引.

You need to run your reverseString() function on each of the argv[n...] values passed in. After correctly applying the Array.prototype.splice(2) function, which removes Array index 0 and 1 (containing the command (/path/to/node) and the /path/to/module/file.js), you need to iterate over each remaining index in the array.

Array.prototype.forEach 方法非常适合此操作,而不需要for循环或map.下面使用的是OP代码,并且是所需输出所需的最少程序(无需过多重构).

The Array.prototype.forEach method is ideal for this, instead of needing a for loop or map. Below is using the OP code and is the minimal program (without much refactor) needed for desired output.

    let CL = process.argv.slice(2);

    function reverseString(commandInput) {
      var newString = "";
      for (var i = commandInput.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        newString += commandInput[i];
      return console.log(newString);



Here is me running this code from the terminal:


08-24 05:49