




I did not face any porblems while installing cloudera but I just realized that I should have had users like oozie and hdfs created on my centos machine, I guess under /home directory?

但是我的主目录下没有这样的用户,我无法通过su oozie命令以oozie用户身份登录.是安装问题还是有其他解决方法?

But I do not have any such users under home directory and I am not able to login as oozie user through su oozie command. Is it an installation problem or is there some other way to do it?

现在,我正在尝试在oozie sharelib文件夹中复制一个jar,它不允许通过root用户这样做,并且看不到此处创建的任何其他用户.我也没有选择单用户安装.

Now, that I am trying to copy a jar in oozie sharelib folder, it does not allow so through root user and I do not see any other users created here. I did not opt for single user installation either.


Hadoop是一个分布式系统,它未绑定到特定服务器上的 local 用户.

Hadoop is a distributed system, it is not bound to the local users on a specific server.

如果您启用了 Kerberos身份验证,那么本地Kerberos票证中的用户就很重要了(并且您必须应对一些肮脏的Kerberos管理工作,尽管Cloudera Manager可以提供很多帮助,尤其是如果您将Active Directory用作Kerberos后端)

If you had Kerberos authentication enabled, then it's the user in your local Kerberos ticket that would matter (and you would have to cope with some dirty Kerberos administration chores, although Cloudera Manager helps a lot, especially if you use Active Directory as Kerberos back-end)

另一方面,没有Kerberos ,那么任何人都可以模拟任何Hadoop系统帐户或用户帐户;规则似乎是...

On the other hand, without Kerberos, then anyone can impersonate any Hadoop system account or user account; the rule appears to be...

  1. 在本地环境中设置的所有内容.变量HADOOP_USER_NAME
  2. 失败,无论Java系统prop中设置了什么. HADOOP_USER_NAME
  3. 失败了,您的实际Linux(或Windows)用户
  1. whatever is set in local env. variable HADOOP_USER_NAME
  2. failing that, whatever is set in Java system prop. HADOOP_USER_NAME
  3. failing that, your actual Linux (or Windows) user


  • that StackOverflow post that you would have found yourself if you had cared to Google a little bit   :-/
  • the Hadoop source code for authentication - search for HADOOP_USER_NAME string constant


08-24 05:24