


I have generated the keystore and its inner key. Then I have my signed java applet. But each time I start my jnlp applet I can see the Internet browser security Warning dialog. When the application server and the client machine are in the same network , in the dialog box shows "Publisher: MyCompanyName "but when we access the application form the internet,it shows that "Publisher: UNKNOWN".


Anyone could let me know what the cause of this problem.Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Your digital certificate was created by you by typing details into prompts from the SDK tools, right? It was not produced by a certification authority that verified those identity details.

您创建的证书存在的问题是我或其他任何人可能假装为您.出于这个原因,JRE拒绝识别您 声明 的身份,因为该信息毫无价值.

The problem with the certificate you created is that I, or anyone else, could pretend to be you. It is for that reason that the JRE refuses to identify who you claim to be - the information is worthless.


The fix is simple. Get a certificate that has been verified by one of the recognized authorities, and sign the code using that certificate.


08-24 05:09