


I downloaded a serialized Java object from my servlet application. When I try to open it in Java code I get:

我搜索了互联网,找不到对代码 2C6D0005 的任何引用.

I searched internet and could not find any reference to code 2C6D0005.



Note that I have used this servlet application to download many other serialized objects and have not seen this problem before.



It's not an error code. It's the first 4 bytes of the file you think is serialized data, but isn't.

字节应为 AC ED 00 05 ,其中前两个字节为魔术",而 00 05 为版本.

The bytes should be AC ED 00 05 where the first two bytes are "magic" and 00 05 is version.


See Java Serialization Algorithm Revealed for the file format as well as other information, and The Specification if something is still unclear.

好,由于我必须离开工作,我将为您免除悬念.在某个地方,某人无法正确读取字节.如果清除 AC ED 的高位,则会得到..... 2C 6D .您应该与编写相关代码的人交谈,然后对其进行修复.

Fine, I'll spare you the suspense since I have to leave work. Somewhere, someone is not reading bytes properly. If you clear the high bit of AC and ED, you get..... 2C and 6D. You should talk with the person who wrote the relevant code and then fix it.


08-24 04:43