


So i'm trying to hide the label in my cover image.

>\caption* {Mycaption}
>\end {figure}

这样它就不会标记图形,而是不会显示在图形列表中请帮助; D

This way it's not labeling the figure but its not showing on the list of figuresHelp please ;D



There are a couple of options, depending on what yo're after exactly:


\setcounter{topnumber}{3}% Just for this example


  \addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{Example image A}%

  Example image A

  \addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{\protect\numberline{}Example image B}%

  Example image B

  \caption{Example image C}


图形标题是使用 \ addcontentsline {lof} {figure} {< caption>} 添加的,其中< caption> 可以包含空白的\numberline{},或只是常规标题.上面的示例显示了两者的用法.

The figure caption is added using \addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{<caption>}, where <caption> can either contain a blank \numberline{}, or just the regular caption. The above example shows the usage of either.

也可以在图像中不显示标签,但在LoF中使用标题 .但是在LoF中有一个编号条目和一个未编号的数字似乎很奇怪.

It would also be possible to have no label shows in the image, but have a numbered entry in the LoF using caption. But it would seem strange to have a numbered entry in the LoF and an unnumbered figure.


08-24 04:38