本文介绍了使用IPython Notebook进行博客的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


如何将IPython笔记本转换为HTML以便在Google Blogger博客中使用?

How can I convert an IPython notebook to HTML for use in a Google Blogger blog?


我已经阅读了fperez的相关博客,但 -f blogger-html 似乎不是选项 nbconvert 了(是吗?)。

and I have read the associated blog from fperez, but -f blogger-html does not seem to be an option with nbconvert anymore (Is that right?).

我可以将我的笔记本转换为HTML,但谷歌没有好像这样。如果我使用 - template basic 选项,标题将消失,并且数学表达式的LaTex渲染将丢失。此外,Google在保存/发布时似乎会产生错误,因此我无法保存。

I can convert my notebook to HTML, but Google doesn't seem to like that. If I use the --template basic option, the headers disappear, and the LaTex rendering of mathematical expressions is lost. Also, Google seems to generate errors when saving/publishing, so I can't save it.


Anyone have any info on the updated process?


您可以使用浏览器文件 - >save(page)as功能绕过nvconvert转换。它会下载所有相关文件。它只是捕获顶部的IPython Notebook UI以及数据。所以通过一些简单的编辑就可以完成。但我也错过了这个选项。

You can bypass the nvconvert conversion by using your browsers file->"save (page) as" feature. it would download all associated files. It just catches the IPython Notebook UI at the top as well as the data. So with some simple editing it can be done. But I miss that option as well.

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08-24 04:32