本文介绍了MongoDB中的多个$ where查询的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I tried to put following query together, but it is not working:

    "pos": { "$gte": 200000, "$lt": 2000000 },
    "$where": "(this.chr.letter != "X" && this.chr.no == 5) && (this.chr.letter != "X" && this.chr.no == 6) && (this.chr.letter != this.chr.letter)"


The above condition above I tried to explain below:

  • chr.no = 5chr.no = 6
  • chr中两个对象/字典之间的
  • chr.letter不相同,并且没有 X ,并且
  • 文档必须在200000-2000000范围内
  • chr.no = 5 and chr.no = 6
  • chr.letter between two objects/dicts in chr are not the same and no X, and
  • the document must be in range 200000 - 2000000


  • {"x_type":"7","sub_name":"B01","name":"A","pos":828288,"s_type":1}
  • {"x_type":"9","sub_name":"B01","name":"A","pos":871963,"s_type":3}

文档"x_type":"8"不满足范围条件.文档"x_type":"10"无效,因为chr.no = 6的chr.letter =X.并且文档"x_type":"14"无效,因为chr.no = 5和chr.no = 6都具有相同的chr.letter = G

Document "x_type":"8" meet not the range condition. Document "x_type":"10" is not valid, because chr.no = 6 has chr.letter = X.And document "x_type":"14" is not valid, because chr.no = 5 and chr.no = 6 both have the same chr.letter = G




I created the above database with the below script:

from pymongo import MongoClient
from collections import defaultdict

db = MongoClient().test
sDB = db.sss

r = [["Test", "A", "B01", 828288,  1,    7, 'C', 4],
    ["Test", "A", "B01", 828288,  1,    7, 'C', 5],
    ["Test", "A", "B01", 828288,  1,    7, 'T', 6],
    ["Test", "A", "B01", 171878,  3,    8, 'C', 5],
    ["Test", "A", "B01", 171878,  3,    8, 'T', 6],
    ["Test", "A", "B01", 871963,  3,    9, 'A', 5],
    ["Test", "A", "B01", 871963,  3,    9, 'G', 6],
    ["Test", "A", "B01", 1932523, 1,   10, 'T', 4],
    ["Test", "A", "B01", 1932523, 1,   10, 'A', 5],
    ["Test", "A", "B01", 1932523, 1,   10, 'X', 6],
    ["Test", "A", "B01", 667214,  1,   14, 'T', 4],
    ["Test", "A", "B01", 667214,  1,   14, 'G', 5],
    ["Test", "A", "B01", 667214,  1,   14, 'G', 6]]

for i in r:
    sDB.update({'type': i[0],
          'name': i[1],
          'sub_name': i[2],
          'pos': i[3],
          's_type': i[4],
          'x_type': i[5]},
          {"$push": {
                  "no": i[7]} }},



$ where 由服务器端的JavaScript引擎执行,因此您的 $ where 语句必须符合JavaScipt的语法.例如,this.chr.no == 5实际上是您所期望的this.chr[index].no == 5;并且变量不可能同时等于两个不同的值.以下代码供您参考:

I guess somewhat you mixed the syntax between JavaScript and MongoDB.
$where executed by JavaScript engine on server side, so your $where statementsmust conform the syntax of JavaScipt. For example, this.chr.no == 5 is actually this.chr[index].no == 5 as you expected; and a variable is impossibly equal to two different values at the same time. The following codes for your reference:

var judge = function () {
    var unexpect = "X";
    var letter1 = unexpect, letter2 = unexpect;
    for (var i in this.chr) {
        var chr = this.chr[i];
        if (chr.no == 5) {
            letter1 = chr.letter;
        } else if (chr.no == 6) {
            letter2 = chr.letter;
    if (letter1 != letter2 && letter1 != unexpect && letter2 != unexpect) {
        return true;
    return false;

    "pos": { "$gte": 200000, "$lt": 2000000 },
    "$and" : [{"chr.no" : 5}, {"chr.no" : 6}],    // narrow range further
    "$where": judge
}, {"x_type":1, "sub_name":1, "name":1, "pos":1, "s_type":1, _id:0});

这篇关于MongoDB中的多个$ where查询的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-24 04:28