


We have a couchapp application with multiple users and a complex system of permissions.Our models are of two kinds: Foo and bar.


Users have admin access to their own Foo and Bar, and can be given permission to see, change and delete other people's Foo and bar.



User Sabrina has these models:

Foo {
  _id: 1
Foo {
  _id: 2
Bar {
Bar {


Of course the real models are larger documents.


She wants to give Giulia read access to her Foos, and read and write access to her first bar. She also wants Giulia not to be able to see her second Bar.


How can we model this kind of permissions in couchdb?


This is the solution we are using, but it seems a lot complex and we wonder if there's a simpler one:

{用户名} {}吧:读:可以读取与用户的数据库吧
{用户名} {}吧:写:可以写与用户的数据库吧。

We have a selection of roles:{username}:admin: can read, write, delete everything on every database related to the user{username}:foos:read: can read every document in the foos database related to the user{username}:foos:write: can write every document in the foos database related to the user{username}:{bar}:read: can read the Bar database related to the user{username}:{bar}:write: can write the Bar database related to the user

当萨布丽娜注册到应用程序,我们创建了一个新的萨布丽娜-FOOS 数据库,我们给用户塞布丽娜的作用萨布丽娜:管理员

When Sabrina register to the app, we create a new sabrina-foos database, and we give to the user Sabrina the role sabrina:admin.

萨布丽娜-FOOS 数据库与 _security 文件授予访问角色创建萨布丽娜:系统管理员萨布丽娜:FOOS:读萨布丽娜:FOOS:写

The sabrina-foos database is created with a _security document granting access to roles sabrina:admin, sabrina:foos:read, sabrina:foos:write.

萨布丽娜-FOOS 数据库与验证功能,可写权限的角色创建萨布丽娜:管理员萨布丽娜:FOOS:写

The sabrina-foos database is created with a validation function which allows write access to the roles sabrina:admin, sabrina:foos:write.


When Sabrina decides to let Giulia see her foos, we give Giulia the role sabrina:foos:read

当萨布丽娜创建一个名为吧1新的酒吧,我们创建了一个新的萨布丽娜-bar_1 数据库。

When Sabrina creates a new Bar called 'Bar 1', we create a new sabrina-bar_1 database.

萨布丽娜-bar_1 数据库与_security文件授予访问角色萨布丽娜创建C $ C>萨布丽娜:bar_1:读萨布丽娜:bar_1:写

The sabrina-bar_1 database is created with a _security document granting access to roles sabrina:admin, sabrina:bar_1:read, sabrina:bar_1:write

萨布丽娜-bar_1 数据库与验证功能,可写权限的角色创建萨布丽娜:管理员萨布丽娜:bar_1:写

The sabrina-bar_1 database is created with a validation function which allows write access to the roles sabrina:admin, sabrina:bar_1:write.


Of course, being this a CouchApp, the creation of databases and editing of user models is handled by a Node Process.



Your design is good. From your question it looks like you want document level authentication.couchdb offers no protection on individual documents so theonly choice left is to partition the documents by databases and set read and write permissions on them.

肯定,但我认为,在沙发上DB 2.0所有企及的功能已被合并,所以如果你愿意稍等一下,你可以使用CouchDB的2.0(应该是任何时候了!)来代替。

There are two alternatives. The easiest one is to usercouch's validate docs on read. I am not toosure but I think in couch db 2.0 all of rouch's features have been merged so if you are willing to wait a bit you can use couchdb 2.0 (it should be out any time now!) instead.

另一种方法就是做你正在做的事情,但在数据库。在 _users 数据库可以
创建用户和 _sessions API验证他们的身份。因此,这里是它如何工作的。

Another method is to do what you are doing but in a _users database. In a _users database you cancreate users and authenticate them with _sessions api. So here is how it will work.

  1. 您创建将在 _users 数据库去​​每一个新用户。

  2. 在用户的文档,你可以存储的哪些文件允许用户查看列表或者如果你是

  3. 首先使用 _sessions API来验证用户,然后获得用户授权的文档列表

  4. 最后获取这些文件和显示它给用户。

  1. Every new user that you create will go in a _users database.
  2. Within the user document you can store a list of what documents the user is allowed to view or if you areworried that a single user document will grow too big then just store a pointer to maybe a database that contains theactual list the user can view.
  3. Use the _sessions api first to authenticate the user and then to get a list of docs that the user is authorizedto read or edit.
  4. Finally fetch those documents and show it to the user.

此方法的优点是,你将需要至少2个和最多3 HTTP查询。一认证,并获得一个指针清单。第二获取的文件的实际列表获取。第三获取这些文档。作为回报,你的架构大大简化。

The advantage of this method is that you will need a minimum of 2 and at most 3 http queries. One to authenticate and get a pointer to the list. Second to get the actual list of documents to be fetched. Third to fetch those documents. In return your architecture is greatly simplified.

的一个非常酷的特性 _users 数据库是可以增加权威性缓存大小在配置持有 _user 在存储器对象,因此访问时间会非常快。

A very cool property of _users database is that you can increase the auth cache size in the config to hold the _user objects in the memory so the access times will be very fast.


我没有安装此刻rcouch但有一个简单的方法通过日志记录,以测试: -

I don't have rcouch installed at the moment but there is an easy way to test this by logging:-

function(doc, userCtx) {
    log("function called");
    if ((typeof doc.name !== 'undefined') && (doc.name != userCtx.name)) {
        throw({unauthorized: userCtx.name + ' cannnot read ' + doc._id});


The log function will print a log message in the log files and also on the console couchdb is running on so you can see for yourself how many times the update function is being called. Would be nice if you could share the results :)


08-24 03:20